Diversification within Rakuten iDeCo

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Diversification within Rakuten iDeCo

Post by Cerulean »

Hi all.

First off just want to say what an unbelievably valuable resource this site and forum have been for me. It's really helped me get to grips with the Japanese system.

On to the real question. Looking at my wife's Rakuten iDeCo it would seem she is underexposed to developing countries, as well as being overexposed to domestic one when it comes to stocks. We'd like to rectify that and are looking to shift allocations to a fund (or some combination) that mirrors the diversification in my eMaxis Slim All Country fund on Monex. At first glance it seems that the Rakuten Vanguard Zensekai fund would be the obvious choice, and has fairly low fees.

For context her current allocation within the stocks part of her portfolio is:

75% たわらノーロード 先進国株式
25% 三井住友・DCつみたてNISA・日本株インデックスファンド

I was wondering, for those people with Rakuten iDeCo who want whole world exposure, do you go for the Vanguard fund? Or do you have your own preferred combination of other funds (and if so, what do you currently go with?). Thanks in advance for any advice!
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Re: Diversification within Rakuten iDeCo

Post by beanhead »

You are right about the Japan fund. 25% seems too high.
I went for the Vanguard fund.

I can only put in 23,000 per month. At this level, I don't think the difference between the All-World fund and the Tawara developed fund will ultimately be that great.
You could also go 100% Tawara for simplicity and then buy a little bit of developing in NISA or taxable if you are investing any money outside of the iDeCo.
Aiming to retire at 60 and live for a while longer. 95% index funds (eMaxis Slim etc), 5% Japanese dividend stocks.
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:07 am

Re: Diversification within Rakuten iDeCo

Post by Cerulean »

Thanks for the input and advice! Much appreciated.
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