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Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:42 am
by RetireJapan
My main areas of focus this year are going to be health and relationships, but I have also decided to go for broke and set a big net worth goal too.

Going to work on my annual plan today.

Anyone else?

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:27 am
by Tolmekian
Happy New Year! Good luck on your goals, I would love to see the high-level "annual net worth plan" in a blog, and hopefully we can all benefit from stealing some of the actions :D

My goals this year are to 1) Improve my Japanese; after 2 years here I'm barely N4 as I rarely have opportunity to use it and have prioritised other things until now, and 2) Continue saving wisely and meet my net worth forecast for Jan 2023.

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:57 am
by TokyoWart
I'm trying something different this year and using this worksheet ... ss-WCI.pdf

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:37 pm
by RetireJapan
Tolmekian wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:27 am I would love to see the high-level "annual net worth plan" in a blog, and hopefully we can all benefit from stealing some of the actions :D
Ha, ha, nothing too fancy -just that with me leaving my job at the end of March, all my income is now discretionary. The more/better I work the more money I can make. So I'm going to see how far I can take that 8-)

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:34 pm
by adamu
Tolmekian wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:27 am Improve my Japanese; after 2 years here I'm barely N4 as I rarely have opportunity to use it and have prioritised other things until now
Get an underpaid job working for a Japanese company where nobody speaks English. You will work too much and waste time on what appear to be pointless processes, procedures, and meetings. Don't worry about performance/career progression. Just do your best to communicate, and be there for your colleages. You only have to do it for a year and your Japanese will improve by leaps and bounds, and you'll get paid for it too! Bonus points if you can convince them to get you Japanese classes on the side.

That's my easy to give but difficult to take advice :D. It's what I did, by the way.
RetireJapan wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:42 am My main areas of focus this year are going to be health and relationships, but I have also decided to go for broke and set a big net worth goal too.
Health, relationships, and money. Focussing on the important stuff I see. :D At least we live in Japan where security is a given.

Personally I'm constantly making goals, so tend not to make new years resolutions. But I think it's useful to not be too ambitious, and if there's something you seriously want to achieve, to make it SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based).

I'm also focussing on health. I joined a gym in an attempt to ward off the inevitable too-cold/too-hot for jogging winter/summer lazy periods, then promptly avoided going because of omicron. Will see how things play out before cancelling though. I would like to get into shape this year - we're never as young as we are in the present, so I would like to enjoy the body I live in a bit more. I also changed jobs in December to join my 2nd startup company, so am going to be trying to make the best of that. Relationships... we will see. :P

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:24 pm
by reggie_f
This year I managed to get my finances in order and I've got a much better idea of what is going where, how to save, reduce tax etc.

My goal for this year is to get a job at a gaishikei software company. Getting a better handle on my finances showed me that the number one thing I need to do is earn more money. I've put more time into my Japanese skills rather than technical skills these past few years, plus the boom in remote work has made it easier to get jobs outside of Tokyo.

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:09 am
by captainspoke
Resolution/goal: Spend more money. (same as last year)

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:40 am
by goodandbadjapan
Do more but work less.

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:04 am
by EmaxisSlim Cultist
SMART goals indeed.

#1 3 months sobriety. (To lose weight, just 2-3 kg)

#2 A book a month (fiction or non-fiction. Probably in rotation).

#3 N4 by December or bust.

#4 2 publications or presentations.


Any ideas on a good Batsu if I do not make #3?

Re: Happy New Year! Any resolutions/goals?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:22 am
by adamu
EmaxisSlim Cultist wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:04 am Any ideas on a good Batsu if I do not make #3?
Get an underpaid job working for a Japanese company where nobody speaks English...