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Wood Termites Treatment needed?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 8:03 am
by concerned
Have a prefab concrete house from Sekusui House, its 25 years old.
I have not looked at it closely (Currently renting it out, and plan to locate there as I near retirement)
I was wondering do I need to treat it for wood termites occasionally? I presume it has some wooden parts in the foundation

Re: Wood Termites Treatment needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:18 am
by Roger Van Zant
I get my house treated to prevent termites once every five years. I get a certificate from the company, valid for five years. If any termites are found within that time, they will come and eradicate them for free.
My house was 20 years old when I bought it. No signs of termites, but then again it is built on a thick concrete pad. Termites would be fairly easy to spot by the mud tubes they would have to construct to get in.
I see termites all the time outside in the garden though.
If your house is built just on soil/dirt, that's a big red flag.
You should get inspected at the very least. Preventative treatment for my place was 140,000 yen. Eradication would cost double that.
Get inspected, then decide on either preventative treatment or eradication (if the latter, I would just not bother buying the house!)

Re: Wood Termites Treatment needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:03 am
by concerned
Thanks! very much Roger Van Zant for your reply on this, I should definitely get it inspected then