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Open House - does anyone have any experience?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:14 am
by teaandhobnobs
Hello all
I'm a long-time reader but first-time poster. My wife and I are looking to buy a house. We went to speak with Open House, who seem to be growing fast. Their houses appear to be cheaper than houses of similar size and location built by other companies. I asked them why, and they gave me what sounded like a well-practised spiel about economies of scale, smaller plots and so on. It sounds plausible, but of course you wonder if there are any more worrying reasons for it - poor build quality etc. I've looked online in both Japanese and English and haven't found much in the way of feedback on the houses themselves? Has anyone bought a house with Open House or lived in one of their houses, and if so what was the experience like?

Thanks all

Re: Open House - does anyone have any experience?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:56 am
Late reply but my experience with Open House is harassment in person, by phone, and by email. They will hound you and hound you, and they don't know how to write a professional email. Their emails look like a 6-year-old playing with fonts and highlights in Windows 95 Word to sell properties worth a half a million dollars and up. I've heard they are bad from someone else as well, but I think it might be just the harassment as mentioned, not sure if anyone has actually purchased with them.

Re: Open House - does anyone have any experience?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 12:47 am
by N00bster
Same experience with email and phone harassment earlier this year. That alone was enough to convince me not to deal with them, but I also took a look at their homes and they look very cheap. No I'm not talking about the price (even though they are definitely on the lower end of the market).

They look like a despicable company and I can only conclude that the frustrations will continue after you move into your house.