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SBI Equity Cloud (SBIエクイティクラウド)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:52 am
by Kanto
SBI Equity Cloud Co., Ltd. was established with the mission of providing a platform that supports total fundraising for small, medium and venture companies, and launched its equity investment crowdfunding service (GEMSEE Equity) in December 2019.

 Through GEMSEE Equity, we will provide investors with the opportunity to invest in and support unlisted companies, which until now has been limited to a few professionals, and unlisted companies with the opportunity to grow by gaining supporters along with funds. After raising funds, we aim to maximize corporate value by providing support through synergy with SBI Securities, SBI Investment and other SBI Group companies.

 In the future, we will provide a series of services that contribute to the revitalization of the venture ecosystem and the development and creation of new industries, such as the planning and operation of acceleration programs.

SBIエクイティクラウド株式会社は、中小、ベンチャー企業の資金調達をトータルに支えるプラットフォームの提供をミッションとして設立され、2019年12月に株式投資型クラウドファンディングサービス(GEMSEE Equity)の提供を開始いたしました。

 GEMSEE Equityを通じ、投資家の皆様にはこれまで一部のプロに限られていた非上場企業への投資と支援の機会を、非上場企業の皆様には資金とあわせて支援者を得ることによる成長機会を提供いたします。また、資金調達後はSBI証券、SBIインベストメントをはじめとしたSBIグループ各社とのシナジーを通じた支援により企業価値の最大化を目指します。

This seems really intriguing. Alternative investments are not something I would enter into lightly, but I did not know there was a platform like this in Japan. Does anyone have any experiences with it, or opinions?