RetireJapan Guides

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Have you read one of the RetireJapan Guides (to NISA/to iDeCo)

Yes, I bought one or both.
Yes, someone sent me a copy of one or both by email.
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Yes, I found a free copy online.
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No, I haven't had the pleasure.
Total votes: 32

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RetireJapan Guides

Post by RetireJapan »

Had an interesting comment from a client today: they had read one of our guides, but someone had emailed it to them :roll:

I know how many copies we have sold, but I'm interested in what kind of reach we might have had in terms of unlicensed copies floating around. Obviously I'd rather people bought them, but I'm happy for the information to be out there changing lives too...

These polls are anonymous so don't hold back :)
English teacher and writer. RetireJapan founder. Avid reader.

eMaxis Slim Shady 8-)
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