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Delisted fund, NISA options?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:19 am
by deepdishj
I just noticed on my Moneytree App that my NISA balance had taken a drop. Checking it out further I see that the 1582 iシェアーズ エマージング株ETF-JDR is now de-listed. The amount I have is showing up on the app but not being added to my total. It does show up when I go to my portfolio the SBI webpage.
However, on that webpage I can no longer access the fund, that is, I don't have the option to sell. I realize that the NISA can't be re-balanced and that I shouldn't be selling anyways, but what are my options here? Do I just hold the amount I have for the next 5 years?
Any input would be appreciated.

Re: Delisted fund, NISA options?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:15 pm
by kansaifolk
I am in the same situation, I think. It is no longer showing up inside my SBI NISA. I do see it listed with the number of my shares, outside my NISA, but with no overall value listed.
When a stock is delisted, my experience is that your shares are exchanged for the value on the delisted day if you didn't sell beforehand. I am assuming we are just waiting for the settlement to go through. It is a big bummer that we lose out on that NISA portion and can't trade it for something else. Just unlucky.
I am thinking of buying 1681 上場MSエマ in its place to get back into emerging markets. But of course we have to use up our new 2018 NISA allocation.

Re: Delisted fund, NISA options?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:11 am
by GaijinMonkey
The last trading day was Friday, January 19th.

If you didn't sell, you will receive the the money sometime in March.

Re: Delisted fund, NISA options?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 1:55 pm
by deepdishj
Thanks for that info.
Can I then use that money to buy something else without it counting against my NISA allowance for this year?

Re: Delisted fund, NISA options?

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:40 am
by GaijinMonkey
No, it will count towards this years allowance.