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Unemployment insurance question (Hello Work)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:08 pm
by ghodlin
I have been offered a job contract with a Vietnamese company with no office in Japan. I'll remain in Japan for the duration of the contract, paying myself into kokumin nenkin, kokumin kenkou hoken. I understand that I'll be considered a freelancer by Japanese authorities (kojin jigyou nushi).

1) Is it possible for me to pay into the unemployment insurance scheme (kouyou hoken) individually, to maintain eligibility if my Vietnam contract isn't re-newed at the end of the year?

2) If this is impossible, are there are proviate insurers offering unemployment insurance> And if so, would there be any challenges in joining one of those despite my contract being with a Vietnamese company.

Not sure it's important, but I have PR.

Thanks for any advice.

Re: Unemployment insurance question (Hello Work)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 3:34 am
by adamu
Great question. You are talking about 雇用保険 (koyou hoken, ko without the u), right? Employment insurance.

I did some searching and it seems that freelancers are not eligible for employment insurance, because you are technically not employed.

Probably the best thing to do would be to make your own insurance by following the standard advice to save up 3 months to a years expenses in cash as a starting point. Then you don't have to worry if you lose your job, because you have cash in the bank to tide you over until you can find another job.

Re: Unemployment insurance question (Hello Work)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 7:01 am
by ghodlin
Thanks @adamu!

Wondering if there’s a private insurance option too. But agree that having my own savings is key to being secure in this situation.