Problem with my boss

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Problem with my boss

Post by KCLenny »

So I want to preface that, despite most English teachers hating their job, I actually love mine.
My probably seems to be my boss is bullying me (I’m a guy, she’s a middle aged Japanese woman). And I really can’t figure out why.
Was recently asked to write up some summaries of what I’ve been doing in my kids classes the last 6 months, so I did that. First document was apparently too much detail. So I whittled it down.
Then it was too short.
So they she went through everything she wanted changed. I did that, now it’s fine. But she apparently doesn’t like how I’ve been teaching the classes.
Despite doing almost the identical lessons to the other kids teacher we have. I always ask him for advice on my lessons too just make sure he thinks they’ll work etc. Today she’s basically said she wants me to just everything the other teacher is making for the kids classes and not make my own stuff. Even though the other teacher wasn’t told that’s what would be happening, and the other teacher occasionally using my materials for his classes because he himself has said he thinks they are good.

I just don’t know what else I’m supposed to do at this point. I only teach 4 kids classes a week. The other 24 hours are adult classes and no problems there (like to the point where I’ve been voted as the best teacher at the school in a review of all the teachers).
She keeps telling me what she doesn’t want me to do in the classes but she has at no point since I started this job told me what I am supposed to do in the kids classes. I took over the kids classes after another staff member left and all the materials he used were watermarked pieces of garbage that I would be embarrassed to give to my paying students.
But what can I do. She is the boss. There’s no one higher than here. And I’m not in any kind of financial position to just leave. And she’s the one sponsoring my visa so I’m feeling kind of frustrated now. I’d grin an deal with it if she was telling me what she wants me to do in the class rather than what she doesn’t want me to do. That would at least be productive and actionable.
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by kuma »

I’d grin an deal with it if she was telling me what she wants me to do in the class rather than what she doesn’t want me to do. That would at least be productive and actionable.
In a professional and non-confrontational way, can you ask her what she wants for these classes?

She might be bad at realising and/or communicating what she wants. Is there a way to take her away from a blank canvas question and steer her towards options, eg for reports, you could draft for just one student at different lengths, and then even if her communication style is to pick out what she doesn’t like, by elimination it can be deduced what she likes (or dislikes the least)! Can such an approach be used for the lessons? More like A or more like B? Can she articulate what she likes about the other teacher’s lessons?
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by Beaglehound »

She is clearly not happy with how your kids classes are going. Are you losing students? Heard any whispers of parents not being happy? If no issues are being raised about your teaching of adult classes, it suggests she is not ‘out to get you’, but there are some issues she is unable or unwilling to raise directly with you. That you and the other kids teacher are making your own materials, regardless of their quality, suggests that there is a lack of a coherent common curriculum. Is that the case?

In your situation, I would be proactive, acknowledge to your boss that it seems she is not happy with how the kids classes are going and that you want to work with her to understand her concerns and, crucially, make improvements. Make it easy for her to be upfront about it and try not to get emotionally involved if there is criticism. It’s about making it better, not the current tensions.
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by mighty58 »

KCLenny wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:51 pm But what can I do. She is the boss. There’s no one higher than here. And I’m not in any kind of financial position to just leave. And she’s the one sponsoring my visa so I’m feeling kind of frustrated now.
You can look for another job is what you can do. Have the talk with your boss and ask for feedback, but if it doesn't get resolved to your satisfaction, say so and move on. You've been voted best teacher and clearly care, in a profession that suffers from high turnover and staffing quality issues, so there will be options for you.

Also, your situation also encapsulates perfectly the need to build up FU-money.
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by RetireJapan »

KCLenny wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:51 pm And she’s the one sponsoring my visa
Sorry to hear you are not enjoying work right now. As someone who is both a teacher and someone who is trying to get better at managing teachers :? I agree that trying to improve your communication with your boss and nail down specifics might help.

Also wanted to point out that in Japan there is no such thing as 'sponsoring a visa'. People apply for their own visa, and their employer provides documentation to prove they have a job/it is a viable company/etc. The visa belongs to the individual and has nothing to do with the employer. In terms of your visa you can leave your job at any time and keep the visa (although you have to tell immigration if you become unemployed).

Hope things improve! You seem to have a positive attitude, which is the most important thing :)
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by captainspoke »

You might also run this question/situation on reddit:

Likely some will have 'negative' suggestions, but there might be some good ideas, too.
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by Kanto »

Does it seem like the school is facing financial difficulties? Has the number of enrolled students dropped?

This may be a pretense to reduce your teachable hours and transition you to a part-time role.

Are you matching the needs of your students? Remember the parents are the real clients, what is their main goal/objective here? Is this it test-prep and academic improvement, or is it just childcare?


Currently, there are A LOT of teaching jobs out there. All over the country. It may be time to transition.

Regardless, update your resume and increase your cash-savings allocation. Be prepared for a possible non-renewal of contract this year.
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by adamu »

RetireJapan wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:34 pm Also wanted to point out that in Japan there is no such thing as 'sponsoring a visa'. People apply for their own visa, and their employer provides documentation to prove they have a job/it is a viable company/etc. The visa belongs to the individual and has nothing to do with the employer.
This is not true for some visas. For example, the Highly Skilled Professional visa comes with a piece of paper stapled into your passport with the company name. If you want to change it, you have to apply to change your residency status. It may also apply to the Technical Intern Training scheme too, but I'm not sure.

The types of work visa an English teacher will have ([Engineer / Humanities / Intl] / Instructor) are as you stated though, I believe.
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by mule96 »

adamu wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:51 am This is not true for some visas. For example, the Highly Skilled Professional visa comes with a piece of paper stapled into your passport with the company name.
I don't have this anymore since I renewed, but as you say, it is linked to the company.
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Re: Problem with my boss

Post by KCLenny »

Hi all.
Thanks for all the replies.
I talked with my boss yesterday. She said she had a problem with the fact that the themes for all my kids classes were the same (as in, all 4 kids classes had the same theme each week...even though there’s only so many themes you can give to 5-12 year olds, and I level up the difficulty where appropriate). She said the other teacher will be making and preparing all the kids curriculum from now on but the other teacher said he has no idea what he’s doing and was going to ask me for help anyway because he though my lesson plans were good. My main worry is that, as I get paid for preparing for the kids classes (something like ¥1000 per kids class), that now she said the other teacher will be making a full curriculum and I just need to use that, that she’s going to pay me less. And it amounts to ¥18,000 less every month I believe. She hasn’t actually told me that’s going to be the case. But she’s the sort of boss who wouldn’t tell you. Would that even be legal? Just dropping my wages without an actual proper warning that she was going to? I get paid on Sunday but it won’t affect this month. But next month if she hasn’t officially told me by then and I drop 18k do I have any grounds to stand on to make a complaint?
Or would it just be best to look for a new job?
And if so, any suggestions (preferably in the Kansai region, and NO kids classes ^_^)
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