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Economic Japanfication

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:02 am
by FIRE-Rookie
In the spirit of sharing, I stumbled upon this article and thought of sharing with you peeps.

Lyn has her own blog which she posts about her investment strategies. I like her writing style as it is something I can easily understand and relate to.

I really liked the article below as I didn't know about the concepts of "Base Money" & "Broad Money" and how Japan played on these to keep the economy afloat. Interesting perspective!

Hopefully you can learn something new like I did.

Re: Economic Japanfication

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:30 pm
by MajesticSoup
That was quite the interesting read. Clears up a few misconceptions about Japan's monetary policies.