Seems pretty sensible to me. There are a couple of aspects - one; selling taxable accounts assets to have cash to invest in NISA, and two; what assets to invest in.
If you sell your taxable account S&P funds and the META you’ll probably be looking at paying some tax, but in the taxable account that’s probably going to happen sooner or later, so it makes sense from my perspective to sell out, pay some tax on the profits and then reinvest in the tax free NISA, rather than be liable to pay more tax on further profits as well.
Not a lot of money but you might want to hang on to that developed market REIT fund and try to sell at break even or better, but then if you want to change your asset allocation to all global stocks why not.
The asset allocation you want to choose is not so much a NISA question, but going with all country stock funds is not a bad option, if you are happy with that.