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Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:06 am
by Beaglehound
This is far too good for the relatively small audience of the forum. I sometimes wonder what kind of species gets themselves tied up in bureaucracy, rules, tedious process, when we are all going to die anyway. I have less patience for it all the older I get. Which is a pain, considering living in a country other than your own tends to complicate matters further.

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:58 am
by RetireJapan
Great point!

MM, once this is all over, would you consider turning your wonderfully sarcastic posts into a guest post for the blog? Or letting me do it? :D

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:30 am
by Beaglehound
RetireJapan wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:58 am Great point!

MM, once this is all over, would you consider turning your wonderfully sarcastic posts into a guest post for the blog? Or letting me do it? :D
Don’t you get it? It will NEVER be over. Not while he still has a middle name at least. ;)

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:35 am
by Kanto
Moneymatters wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:44 am <Continuation from the initial Post>

BTW, has anyone else noticed that only us foreigners get to repeatedly send entire starter packs of identity theft material via the post? With the various accounts and rebates I'm progressing, my 在留カード copies are rarely not in transit.
Still, at least once this is sorted they won't routinely ask me to verify my identity and residency status. ha ha.

Haha! Yes, everyone wants a copy of everything. It get a bit worrying.

Why don`t you try to open a Rakuten account now at the same time? See who will win the race!

Here is one for you...Imagine my name is James Smith. My Rakuten account name, and the name on all official mailed documents, would be JAM SMI, because the system is only set up for Kanji characters.

The kind Jpost man understood this and still gave me the registered mail. Bless his heart. I think the regulations say to refuse delivery.

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:51 am
by RetireJapan
Kanto wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:35 am Here is one for you...Imagine my name is James Smith. My Rakuten account name, and the name on all official mailed documents, would be JAM SMI, because the system is only set up for Kanji characters.
But my Rakuten Securities account is シャーロン ベン, which at least matches (some of) my other accounts...

For a while my Monex account was in my kanji name, but I didn't have a kanji bank account to transfer from so they called me up and asked very nicely if they could change it to katakana.

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:40 am
by Kanto
Honestly, based on the different experiences everyone seems to be having with the same companies I am at a loss...

I have my name three ways with Rakuten.

Steve Smith
STE SMI -> This is the "Mailing address" name.

The Kanji rule was a guess to be honest. What other reason could there be though?

Since they were greenlighting everything, I did not fight this. I will be STE SMI if that is what it takes.

However, I cannot use my credit card to buy funds. My Rakuten points? Yes, No problem. Sigh...

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:06 pm
by adamu
Beaglehound wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:06 am This is far too good for the relatively small audience of the forum.
+1 👏🏻 would read again

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:40 am
by Moneymatters
< Continuation from Initial and First Update Post >

Guess who's back. Back again.

Rather than just sit and wait idly for the SBI Postman to call, I've kept myself gainfully occupied during these long lock down evenings of "not going to the pub."

I've somehow coerced HMRC to accept 14 years of missed Class 2 NI contributions. Whilst I wired the money electronically as one lump sum, I suspect it was converted to cash and counted by hand. As it took literally weeks for them to slowly but surely assign the payment to each of the previous years in a seemingly random sequence. Yes. I was checking every few days.

After many weeks and rejected applications for such reasons as "You need combine your last and first names or first and middle names."
Yes. They sent their own form back to me in the post with that request.
Rakuten have finally admitted to me, on the phone, that they are all out of ideas so will, begrudgingly I assume, open my iDeco account!
However, due to my optimistically picking the "month after next month" for the first payment when I applied two months ago, they told me, on the phone, on July 1st. That is was now "too close" to the July 26th payment date to establish things in time.
Obviously I agreed it would be foolish to even attempt something so crazy. So I asked what they recommend. They recommended to take the payment in one go in December. I said "今年?" They said "はい". No room for irony in Rakuten.

But I digress. Today I got my account details from SBI Shoken. And I'll be honest it's a mixed bag. They only have half of my middle name so I know that doesn't match any of my existing bank accounts.
And whilst I was able to log in, the first thing I noticed was the little button asking me to click here if I wanted to create a NISA account!!
To say that's ominous is an understatement. My son's account was created and sure enough there was a NISA 手続中 in that place for a while until his NISA was approved. I'm half tempted to click it and see what happens. I suppose I'll just get another pack of forms in the post. I'll give them a few weeks and check back. Incidentally, "Weeks" is the shortest passage of time I use now. Gone are days, hours and the other terms I've long since forgotten.

Anyway. I still need to find some mechanism to get money in here so I'm going to follow this "fully automated" SBI Net Bank account creation link! This makes sense. Because then SBI Net Bank will carry my name directly from my SBI Shoken account! It literally says it does that.
(/taps own head and smiles wryly.) Its not just a hat stand you know!
OK. Click here, scroll down there, clickity-click, type a few things in, open and "read" 6 PDFs that frankly throw shade on the Apple Legal disclaimers by the length of some of them!
Just two more clicks 確認画面へ..
Ha ha. I'm quite sure my frankly ridiculous, 37 points in Scrabble, name is the culprit here! (36 points according to SBI Shoken.).

Due to the ongoing Covid cases in Tokyo I'm still not allowed to the pub. So I can spend the evenings getting into shape for the black leotard I'll don when I scale the high walls of SBI towers under cover of darkness. As I suspect this is the only way I'm getting funds into this account any time soon.

< To be Continued >

< In a few weeks >

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:11 am
by Kanto
Moneymatters wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:40 am < Continuation from Initial and First Update Post >

Guess who's back. Back again.

Rather than just sit and wait idly for the SBI Postman to call, I've kept myself gainfully occupied during these long lock down evenings of "not going to the pub."

I've somehow coerced HMRC to accept 14 years of missed Class 2 NI contributions. Whilst I wired the money electronically as one lump sum, I suspect it was converted to cash and counted by hand. As it took literally weeks for them to slowly but surely assign the payment to each of the previous years in a seemingly random sequence. Yes. I was checking every few days.

After many weeks and rejected applications for such reasons as "You need combine your last and first names or first and middle names."
Yes. They sent their own form back to me in the post with that request.
Rakuten have finally admitted to me, on the phone, that they are all out of ideas so will, begrudgingly I assume, open my iDeco account!
However, due to my optimistically picking the "month after next month" for the first payment when I applied two months ago, they told me, on the phone, on July 1st. That is was now "too close" to the July 26th payment date to establish things in time.
Obviously I agreed it would be foolish to even attempt something so crazy. So I asked what they recommend. They recommended to take the payment in one go in December. I said "今年?" They said "はい". No room for irony in Rakuten.

But I digress. Today I got my account details from SBI Shoken. And I'll be honest it's a mixed bag. They only have half of my middle name so I know that doesn't match any of my existing bank accounts.
And whilst I was able to log in, the first thing I noticed was the little button asking me to click here if I wanted to create a NISA account!!
To say that's ominous is an understatement. My son's account was created and sure enough there was a NISA 手続中 in that place for a while until his NISA was approved. I'm half tempted to click it and see what happens. I suppose I'll just get another pack of forms in the post. I'll give them a few weeks and check back. Incidentally, "Weeks" is the shortest passage of time I use now. Gone are days, hours and the other terms I've long since forgotten.

Anyway. I still need to find some mechanism to get money in here so I'm going to follow this "fully automated" SBI Net Bank account creation link! This makes sense. Because then SBI Net Bank will carry my name directly from my SBI Shoken account! It literally says it does that.
(/taps own head and smiles wryly.) Its not just a hat stand you know!
OK. Click here, scroll down there, clickity-click, type a few things in, open and "read" 6 PDFs that frankly throw shade on the Apple Legal disclaimers by the length of some of them!
Just two more clicks 確認画面へ..
Ha ha. I'm quite sure my frankly ridiculous, 37 points in Scrabble, name is the culprit here! (36 points according to SBI Shoken.).

Due to the ongoing Covid cases in Tokyo I'm still not allowed to the pub. So I can spend the evenings getting into shape for the black leotard I'll don when I scale the high walls of SBI towers under cover of darkness. As I suspect this is the only way I'm getting funds into this account any time soon.

< To be Continued >

< In a few weeks >
Good stuff! Sorry for the trials and tribulations.

My family's goals for the year is to set up a Tsumitate Nisa x 2, iDeco x 2 and Junior Nisa X 1. We are only 60% of the way there.

Rakuten sent our Junior Nisa documents back because (1) Are we SURE my wives Kanji is spelled that way? :roll: (2) she signed the form western style. It was fine that I did that, but She must use Kanji.

Oh well...

Re: Opening an SBI NISA Account in 2020

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:37 am
by Teflon
Moneymatters wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:40 am OK. Click here, scroll down there, clickity-click, type a few things in, open and "read" 6 PDFs that frankly throw shade on the Apple Legal disclaimers by the length of some of them!
Just two more clicks 確認画面へ..
Ha ha. I'm quite sure my frankly ridiculous, 37 points in Scrabble, name is the culprit here! (36 points according to SBI Shoken.).

Due to the ongoing Covid cases in Tokyo I'm still not allowed to the pub. So I can spend the evenings getting into shape for the black leotard I'll don when I scale the high walls of SBI towers under cover of darkness. As I suspect this is the only way I'm getting funds into this account any time soon.

< To be Continued >

< In a few weeks >
After receiving the same error message myself and Googling "SBI証券から正しく情報を引き継げませんでした" to understand what I need to do, this post was the only hit in all of Google! So were you able to scale the high walls of SBI? Have you been able to fund your account finally? Pray tell... I'm about ready to throw in the towel.