Hello all,
Update here! Just to be clear, this didn't happen through my own personal apple account. It took place through several fraudulent Apple Store accounts across the World (and Japan) but all used my card. In fact I didn't even store this card on my Apple account. It's still a mystery as to how they got my card details and whether it's my own fault, or whether the bank itself had a leak of information. I guess I'll never know.
What I do know though is that 308 transactions all exactly the same were allowed to take place under GMO's watch. No email came through about strange activity (although I wasn't checking my emails on those days), no phone call and no automatic freezing. It's funny now, I think back to the UK and how often my card got mistakenly frozen and how frustrating it could be but now I'm so thankful that UK banking is over sensitive rather than under sensitive.
I have exhausted all options with Apple now. They have refunded 82,450 yen out of approximately 870,000 yen. The rest is up to GMO themselves, it looks positive but I don't yet feel 100% certain. I should know in the next few days. They've said they will initiate the chargeback process when the talks with apple have finished. So now it's game time. I'm keeping communication neutral for now, but will switch to anger + lawyer if the time comes.
My conclusion is though, be careful out there. Japan may not have the same security as we do back home when it comes to banking. I will not store excess cash in bank accounts other than my JP post since it doesn't have any modern features (still a cash book haha). Keep direct debit emails turned on (I switched it off as it clutters my email - yes, maybe my mistake, but again, didn't check my email during those 72 hours other than work emails). I don't believe they have an automatic freezing system at GMO, the only security is you monitoring your own emails.
I have transferred all remaining money out of GMO personal and GMO business. I have applied to Resona Bank instead. Whether that changes anything I don't know but I'll feel better and will be changing my practices.
I really hope the money comes back eventually, it says up to 8 months. I just really want to get a firm confirmation. I don't care how long it takes (well I do), I just want it back. Didn't help that I upgraded my camera the day before!
Stay safe out there, seems I'm not alone...
https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comm ... _card_use/