Who needs new passport details?

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Re: Who needs new passport details?

Post by Bubblegun »

Gareth wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:54 am Hi all

I recently renewed my British passport. I have been asked for a copy of the photo page from the company I work for as a contractor but not an employee.

Am I actually legally required to give this to the company? I have PR and am not sponsored by the company. Are they legally required to have this info? Why isn’t a Residence Card enough?

This has really got me thinking. Does anyone else need the info? As far as I can tell, things like iDeCo, NISA, Monex, banks, city office, even immigration don’t need the details. So why would an employer?
I don't see any need if they have my number and a residents card. I haven't renewed my passport in years, and not even sure if I can find it. But I should renew it.....just incase. I can understand if a person turns up with no MY number, No residents cards, No, health insurance card, its their fist ever time looking for work.but not in this case.
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Roger Van Zant
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Re: Who needs new passport details?

Post by Roger Van Zant »

Funnily enough I just visited my shitty local bank in Kyushu this afternoon in response to a letter they sent me last week.
I had to take my bank book and zairyu card.
The clerk photocopied my zairyu card and said thank you very much. I was out of there within five minutes.
The letter said something about tighter controls against money laundering or some such nonsense.

Not my passport, but still, just adding this here.
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