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Re: Shakai/Kokumin kenko hoken? - how expensive after retirement?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:13 am
by captainspoke
I'm at ¥33,000/month right now. This comes out of a bank account, and I have a post-it there with a memo that the next one will be January 4th. Kaigohoken is deducted directly from kokuminnennkin, and sorry, I'd have to dig around a little to see exactly what that is.

It was more the cycle (year) before this I think due to the way I'd been filing/claiming some passive income. I'm not sure how this may change next cycle. I also claimed some med expenses (which won't happen this year!), so I'm sure it will evolve. Another personal factor that affects taxable income--I'm technically disabled (障害者) and there's a larger personal deduction for that.