The corona effect

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The corona effect

Post by Rezz »

Hi all,

It seems regardless of the recent articles by investing gurus, coronavirus has so far had a pretty major effect on the markets.

How is everyone here coping with the dip? Is anyone else currently investing? I'm topping up the remainder of my NISA with a few staggered orders right now. It's hard to know how low this will go so I'm taking the precautionary approach.

Here's hoping for a rebound in the second half of the year! :D
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Re: The corona effect

Post by RetireJapan »

Haven't looked at my account yet. Don't think I will care. Plan to continue buying as usual. Doubt we'll remember this in a couple of years' time.

My wife's business is facing an existential threat though due to the school closures (runs a small eikaiwa). That is worrying, and revealed that we are slightly exposed as our investments will be down at the same time we will lose money with the business. Something to think about in the future.

But as for investing, haven't given it much thought -although this is probably this week's blog post :)
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Re: The corona effect

Post by N00bster »

Well stocks are cheaper, so I'm buying. :D
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Re: The corona effect

Post by deepdishj »

I've had some dry powder ready for a pullback/correction such as this. So I'm a pretty happy camper right now.
Setting increasing buy limits on my list of stocks at about 5% drops on each.
i.e. buy 10 shares @ $50, then buy 11 shares @ $47.50 @ $45.12, etc.
Needless to say a large number of orders have been filled the past few days. I'm spending a lot of time re-doing my limits.
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Re: The corona effect

Post by KyushuWoozy »

I still haven't reinvested after I sold everything a couple of months ago. Seems like time to buy again but think I'll wait a bit longer and see how much further markets drop.

On a personal note we've had to cancel all our Spring tours and almost all our clients have cancelled / postponed :|
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Re: The corona effect

Post by eagleyes »

It is very good period for investors like us. We can finally buy at more reasonable price and enjoy profit later on when this is over. Of course, it is assuming that you do not need the money put into the stock exchange and that impact to your job/business is limited.

I have sold a small portion on assets that have been very profitable for the latest months like S&P and Nikkei. This will be used to refinance buying new stocks after further drops.
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Re: The corona effect

Post by StockBeard »

Pretty bad for me. I don't have huge amounts of money on the side that I could invest as I'm not really in an accumulation phase anymore (I still invest, but I'm at a level where a 10% drop in my investments represents years of savings for me) . This hurt my plans for the year significantly to be honest. Haven't checked how much my investments dropped, yet, I usually check at the end of the month.
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Re: The corona effect

Post by griffinheart »

Considering using part of my 6 months emergency fund, as 6 months is too much.

First time doing this, but seems to me the smart thing to do since I don't know when the market will bottom or if it will keep going down is just to DCA over a few months. So I'll probably use 2~3 months of the emergency fund and DCA over 6 months. This is all based on "having a job" tho.
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Re: The corona effect

Post by TokyoWart »

I really feel for those of you who are running businesses that are also affected by the coronavirus panic. I am still in the accumulation phase and don't need to draw from investments but like StockBeard I find it painful to see how many years of savings have kind of evaporated over a week. I still don't think I can come up with any better investing method than buy-and-hold and I'm a 100% equity allocator so my percentage decline is every bit as bad as the headlines. I figure I'm paying the risk premium right now for those higher long-term equity returns.
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Re: The corona effect

Post by adamu »

Maybe I'm doing something different to you all but my investments are mostly still up over the last 5 years. Only a fund I started buying a few months ago is showing negative returns. I didn't compare net worth to a few months ago though, maybe I'll avoid doing that for a while. 🤔
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