Kakutei Shinkoku - Resources?

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Kakutei Shinkoku - Resources?

Post by DerekH »

Hi - the company I work for decided to go from public to private and I was forced to sell all my stock options.
I got a little over 300,000 yen and now because that is over 200,000 I need to file a kakutei shinkoku.

I've been through the government sites and I have the e-tax software installed and am on my way but I'm not quite there yet.

Are there any decent additional resources for this?
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Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:16 am

Re: Kakutei Shinkoku - Resources?

Post by eagleyes »

Have you downloaded and read the guide on the tax agency in English?
https://www.nta.go.jp/english/taxes/ind ... x_2019.htm

If you do not have much to declare you can probably do it by yourself or you can use the services of a tax accountant but you will have to pay. You can also ask questions here and people will be able to answer to the best of their knowledge. You can also go to your tax office and they are usually very helpful to assist you to fill in the forms. English speaking personnel could be limited though.
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