Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

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Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by gaijinkun »

Good day folks!
Do you know any investment opportunities that I may find with Shinsei Bank, while not just keeping money in the account. I am ready to freeze money, long or short term doesnt matter.
P.s I have already NISA account with SBI, but I have some cash around 100万円 and want to play with it and maybe win :lol: .
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Re: Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by adamu »

Why don't you just invest with SBI?

If you don't want to take the risk, then leave it in cash - that's the price you pay for liquidity.
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Re: Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by gaijinkun »

Adamu san
Thank you very much for reply here and other replies in other threads!

Is my understanding correct? To buy funds with expensive fees under tax free Nisa is better than buying low-fee funds. Whereas low-fee funds I can buy extra after my yearly 1,2 m NISA limit is over.

Second question: What would you recommend to invest in SBI, same way stocks and funds? Other any other financial opportunities.
Thank you again.
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Re: Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by adamu »

Sorry if I misinterpreted, but I'm a little bit concerned by the tone of your posts that you might not be in the best position to be making specific investment decisions yet.

You've asked for specific fund recommendations, and about specific industries and "investment opportunities", but I'm not sure you have a good understanding of some fundamental concepts that are important to know before putting your money at risk.

Maybe it would be a good idea to spend a few months learning about investment fundamentals before looking into specific investments? Specifically concepts like asset allocation, diversification, stocks, bonds, dividends, and the importance of costs and fees. Read the guides available on this site and others.

You also need to have specific goals in mind before you make an investment. Unless you are just gambling!

And for Japan, tax protection such as NISA and iDeCo. But tax protection is useless if you make a bad investment and lose all your money ;-)

Re: Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by Sybil »

gaijinkun wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:22 am What would you recommend to invest in SBI, same way stocks and funds? Other any other financial opportunities.
Thank you again.
As for as I know nobody using this website is qualified to give specific financial advice. You need to do your own research and use what people say on here as additional information. On here you will find some good advice and some bad advice. The secret is knowing which is which....
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Re: Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by gaijinkun »

Thank you guys for directions.
You are right I am still amateur. My intention is to diversify investments so I am asking questions here-there. I found this forum and like it because it Japan specific. And actually I read it whole. I will try to be more specific on questions from now on.
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Re: Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by jcc »

Since I'm using shinsei for my normal account, I did in the past look into using it for investments, but I can confidently say, NO. Stay away from investing with shinsei, their line up is full of high-fee crap.

As others have pointed out you seem to be missing out on some of the basics.
gaijinkun wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:22 am Is my understanding correct? To buy funds with expensive fees under tax free Nisa is better than buying low-fee funds. Whereas low-fee funds I can buy extra after my yearly 1,2 m NISA limit is over.
No, it's wrong. Fees and taxation are completely separate. You still pay fees in a tax-free fund. In general, high-fee products are just bad. It's like running while carrying extra weight. Anything over 0.2% management fees should probably be a red flag.

"Diversification" means diversifying what you are invested in. Buying the same stuff from multiple banks is not diversification.

To diversify you want to a) hold financial devices in multiple geographic areas b) hold multiple industries c) hold multiple types of device(some people will go simple stock/bonds, though some like to add reits and commodities). Diversification stabilizes your portfolio by seeking multiple devices with low correlation to one another. Generally the easiest way to diversify is to buy index funds that are already diversified(eMaxis slim world would be a safe place to start for stocks)

A good place to get started to better understand this might be "A random walk down wall street"
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Re: Shinsei Bank: 100万円 investment opportunities, are there any?

Post by gaijinkun »

Thank you JCC for detailed answer! I believe you saved me a lot of time. I ll stick to emaxis slim all country as many here suggest.

For those who are seeking for the book, here is short but good extract: "A random walk ... "
Me I start reading entirely the book. Now on chapter 2.
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