tsumitate nisa, bonus and SBI website

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tsumitate nisa, bonus and SBI website

Post by cdavid »

Hi there,

I have a new NISA on SBI, but can not figure out how to buy a bonus. I thought I did but then the money ended up in the 成長投資枠 part :oops:

I'd like to put say 600k JPY worth of emaxi slim now on tsumitate. Are there some instructions I could follow on the exact procedure for somebody like me who is very passable in Japanese ?

Thanks !
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Re: tsumitate nisa, bonus and SBI website

Post by adamu »

Good news, SBI finally figured out they should make that page linkable, and did, here (I think you need to be logged in already for it to work):

https://site0.sbisec.co.jp/marble/trade ... rveList.do

Click 設定変更 for the existing Tsumitate payment you want to make a bonus payment for
決済方法 has to be 現金, you can't set up a bonus for a Credit Card tsumitate (don't do this if you are paying by card already)
In 預り区分 make sure it says NISA(つみたて投資枠)
At the bottom for ボーナス月の積立設定 choose 設定する
Then you can specify the bonus amount and date.

If you are paying by card, or aren't using the Tsumitate portion yet, you'll need to set up a *new* cash tsumitate order, which will buy additional funds every month, then set up the bonus payment on that cash tsumitate. Again, make sure it says NISA(つみたて投資枠). If your card payment is already maxing out the allowance, you'll need to reduce the monthly card amount first, to give you room to set up the new cash order.
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Re: tsumitate nisa, bonus and SBI website

Post by cdavid »

Thank you, your instructions helped me fixing the issue.

I had by mistake 2 recurring payments, one for the "normal" NISA (成長投資枠) and one for the つみたて。I wrongly assumed that recurring payments automatically implied つみたて. But I set the bonus on the normal one, hence the issue.
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