Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

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Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by Viralriver »

Posting mainly to vent. I did my usually bi-annual management of my securities account and just realised that my NISA payments have not been going through and were cancelled by Rakuten. I've paid nothing into my NISA this year whatsoever. I can't even set it up because they've decided to apply a lock to my account even though I have a sizeable amount in my account and it has been open for almost 5 years. The icing on the cake? I've been on the phone with them for 4 hours and I'm still "in the queue". Absolutely ridiculous.

My error message when making a new tsumitate order:

> お客様の口座は、ロックされているため、申込みできません。ロック理由については、カスタマーサービスセンターまでお電話ください。

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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by RetireJapan »

Is this a failure to upload zairyu card issue? They got very insistent about it a few months ago, threatening to lock accounts if you didn't comply.
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by gaijin86 »

>> I've been on the phone with them for 4 hours and I'm still "in the queue"

If your Japanese is ok, I find the Chat function quicker for a response (after you get past the robot replies).

For phone, it might help to call early morning after they open the lines at 9.00
Also check busy times after you click サポート, by looking at 各種サポート
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by eyeswideshut »

Probably you failed to provide proof of residency. Rakuten is super spammy and sends so many emails that it can be easy to miss the actual important ones - especially when they are in Japanese. If you are locked out of your Rakuten account then I would go into your email history and try to search for the notification of account suspension email (it may be in your spam folder) to at least figure out what the issue was. If you still have access then check your notifications.
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by Tsumitate Wrestler »

Rough. Posts like this are a good reminder that the "set and forget crowd" should still check their accounts a few times a year.

Especially Americans {escheat}.

https://www.npr.org/2020/02/13/80576050 ... s-escheat/
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by Viralriver »

This is why it was worth venting! Looks like it was the zairyu card. Or at least it was marked as not registered even though it definitely was to open the account and still has 5+ years on it (PR). I've uploaded the documentation and hope that this is the only issue.

To continue the vent :P :

1. If they could stop sending thousands of emails a day I would have seen this email more easily.
2. When logging in they should say that there is a required action.
3. Instead of saying "Your account is locked, call support", actually give a reason - since it's a known reason.

But of course any remedy to the above would make Rakuten slightly more usable and therefore against their business model :D
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by zeroshiki »

I like Rakuten because it has a better UX than SBI or Monex. How they've gone about this whole Zairyu card check is incredibly abysmal though. We're only a small portion of the userbase so it doesn't matter to them but its incredibly annoying.
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by beanhead »

Viralriver wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 3:46 am This is why it was worth venting! Looks like it was the zairyu card. Or at least it was marked as not registered even though it definitely was to open the account and still has 5+ years on it (PR). I've uploaded the documentation and hope that this is the only issue.

To continue the vent :P :

1. If they could stop sending thousands of emails a day I would have seen this email more easily.
2. When logging in they should say that there is a required action.
3. Instead of saying "Your account is locked, call support", actually give a reason - since it's a known reason.

But of course any remedy to the above would make Rakuten slightly more usable and therefore against their business model :D
I am with you to some extent.
In their defense, though...

a)you can control what they send you by email in the settings. This reduces the glut. Cutting out the メールマガジン crap helped me a lot.
b)you can also use gmail or your email client to filter as well. I have done this a bit too aggressively for Rakuten Shoken and so I never see anything from them in my inbox unless I go to that specific folder I made.
c)when you log in, they do have an important messages section in the communications section. 重要なお知らせ

So, as I say, I also think they send an awful lot of junk, but it can be controlled a bit. And looking at that important message section on their site is worthwhile. Once every week or so maybe?

Giving specifics about what the issue is and how to resolve it - absolutely agree. This should be standard for any organization dealing with customers. Sadly, the reality is it is not.
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by adamu »

beanhead wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:08 am Cutting out the メールマガジン crap helped me a lot.
This is true and also what I do. But you have to be careful, because there are pre-checked boxes hidden at the bottom of pages after the "agree" box all over the place opting you back in.

Mostly I just avoid Rakuten nowadays. I do still use Rakuten Securities for diversification purposes, though.
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Re: Rakuten cancelled my tsumitate...

Post by Viralriver »

I have access again now, so thank you to everyone who mentioned it was likely a Zairyu card issue. For others in the same boat, it will take until 18:05 of the day they approve your card registration for your account to be unlocked...

Anyways, what sucks now is the only way to make the most use of my 1.2m tsumitate for the year is to set massive bonuses with the minimal tsumitate payment (100 yen per fund per month), meaning I get essentially no points on my credit card :roll:
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