I am renewing my work visa and immigration told me that I need an important document:
Total statutory report of withholding slips for employment income for the previous year (a copy with a reception stamp or showing electronic receipt)
Two years ago I had an accountant who took care of this for me and submitted it electronically. But at this time I do not have an accountant handling my taxes, and am using MoneyForward instead. I contacted MoneyForward support and they said that they cannot complete this electronic submission process.
I went to my local city hall certificate issuance office and the lady said that since I am the company owner, I have to create this document myself. I found the PDF document here: https://www.nta.go.jp/law/tsutatsu/kobe ... f/07-2.pdf
Where do I get this reception stamp? And who must I send it to? I guess most Gaijin are working for companies that have an accounting department that provide this document, but I would assume that there are enough small business entrepreneurs in Japan that it would be easier to figure this out on one's own!
Thank you!