Dividends received information on the SBI website
Dividends received information on the SBI website
Can someone help me find dividend information for my shares on the SBI webpage? The NISA divs are as clear as day but I can't for the life of me find the taxable dividend record. I thought they would be somewhere under the 口座(外貨建) tab but all it seems to list is the number of shares and prices.
Re: Dividends received information on the SBI website
Thanks adamu. Thought I'd clicked every link on the site. Found them here: 入出金・振替 > 外貨入出金 > 外貨入出金明細.
Re: Dividends received information on the SBI website
You should also receive a detailed electronic statement (where you see what was deducted for taxes, depending on the account you have) under 口座管理->電子交付書面->閲覧