I also use SBI for my NISA.
How do I put an order in for the growth/成長 portion of the new NISA?
I want to set it up so that 2.4m yen is invested right away in January.
I can find this page easily enough (setting up the monthly つみたて amount):
But I cannot find anything about setting up the growth portion.
Up until now I've been paying in 30,000 yen per month to the t-NISA.
My final installment in 2023 of 30,000 yen is due to go out on December 18th.
I think I will let this go out before setting up the new t-NISA settings.
Just now, when I tried to set up the monthly 100,000 yen for 2024, a notice said this would be also taken on December 18th.
This sounds messy and I'm sure there will be a cock-up somewhere.
For the first 100,000 yen due in Janaury 2024, does anyone know when is the latest date in Decemeber this can be taken?