OK it’s still a pittance but for those looking for a slightly better interest rate than usual on yen deposits, they are offering 1% for a fixed term of three months for new customers, as well as 0.3% for a year fixed term. Haven’t looked into it in great detail yet, so not sure if you could, for example, take advantage of the 3-month rate before putting it into the yearly one when that matures.
https://www.sbishinseibank.co.jp/lp/cam ... gDIELmzfiA
SBI Shinsei Bank Savings
Re: SBI Shinsei Bank Savings
I'm already using their 2-week fixed term, just to get some perks and try to think that the money is, somehow, working a little bit, while still accessible at a moment notice. I'll see their other offerings, thanks for sharing that!