Explaining small Discrepancies in Price

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Explaining small Discrepancies in Price

Post by Haystack »

I am using Google Sheets to track my investment trusts.

Basically I am taking the price with X-Path via Rakuten. I take 基準価額(円) then I multiply by the 保有数(口), adding a period in the right place.

However the last few days 1 or 2 funds has a small discrepancy of around 1000/2000 yen in each direction.

The problem isn`t the math, 基準価額 X 保有数 does not result in the same price Rakuten lists for my iDeco and Toutei investments.

Any ideas about what might cause this?

楽天・全世界株式インデックス・ファンド 16,160

Rakuten Price Stated Price - 1,999,638
(16,160Yen X 123.8744口) = 2,001,810.304
IDeco.png (9.14 KiB) Viewed 7256 times
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