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Re: FIRE Blog

Post by captainspoke »

Moneymatters wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 10:35 am
captainspoke wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 4:00 am I've tried the above links, and seem to only get an initial splash page--no clue how to navigate to anything else from there. I've tried hovering the cursor over most everything, and nada.

The last/final link just above, gets me to a page-not-found page...
Just scroll down and you’ll see posts.
I've tried again, scrolled as suggested, and nothing. Then, thinking it may be a Mac/Safari issue, I tried Firefox. Still nothing.

Scrolled down, in firefox, it stops as here, and again, nothing that seems to be 'hot' to click on from (Safari = same).
Screen Shot 2022-05-27 at 19.21.33.png
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Re: FIRE Blog

Post by beanhead »

sytyue wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 6:28 am
Hey I am interested in your blog. However, when I click on the link, there are no entries. Just the intro. Maybe it's just me but where can I find the actual blog entires?
It used to work. The blog owner has changed something in the code so it is not working now. I don't think she comes here very often or she would have noticed, I guess.
Aiming to retire at 60 and live for a while longer. 95% index funds (eMaxis Slim etc), 5% Japanese dividend stocks.
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