Japan is lowering their adult age to 18 next month. What can I do about it?
Japan is lowering their adult age to 18 next month. What can I do about it?
I'm an 19 year old non-US international student living by myself, and since Japan is changing their adult age next month I should be able to open contracts by myself. I have been reading a lot of contents from this subreddit, and the general idea seems to be to have a NISA account, find something with low fee and stick to it. Is there something else I'm missing or general financial advice you can share?
Re: Japan is lowering their adult age to 18 next month. What can I do about it?
Do you have any debt? Focus on paying that off first.
Do you have savings, an emergency fund? Focus on having a few months expenses saved up first.
Are you planning on leaving Japan after your studies? If so, consider whether getting invested here is a good option.
If you decide to go for it, you can't go wrong with eMaxis Slim All Country in a NISA.
And this is a forum, not a subreddit.
Do you have savings, an emergency fund? Focus on having a few months expenses saved up first.
Are you planning on leaving Japan after your studies? If so, consider whether getting invested here is a good option.
If you decide to go for it, you can't go wrong with eMaxis Slim All Country in a NISA.
And this is a forum, not a subreddit.
Re: Japan is lowering their adult age to 18 next month. What can I do about it?
Just copied and pasted from reddit, for some reason...
Aiming to retire at 60 and live for a while longer. 95% index funds (eMaxis Slim etc), 5% Japanese dividend stocks.
Re: Japan is lowering their adult age to 18 next month. What can I do about it?
Grr, crossposters are so rude.
(The reason crossposting is bad is because it wastes the time of the people who take the effort to reply without the context of the replies you already got that they've not seen)
(The reason crossposting is bad is because it wastes the time of the people who take the effort to reply without the context of the replies you already got that they've not seen)