Quality of posts

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Quality of posts

Post by RetireJapan »

Just a quick note about quality of posts (this is in the forum rules but people might be missing it). The rules read:

"Anyone can ask a question. There are no bad questions. But the barrier to answer is a bit higher. You should know what you are talking about, or have been through a similar situation. You should post reasons, or link to explanations or evidence. If someone disagrees with you, you should discuss it amicably."

I've been seeing a few posts recently that don't really conform to this. I don't want to be heavy-handed, but at the same time I don't want this forum turning into Reddit.

I hope I don't have to start deleting posts or members. Let's keep things factual and friendly.
English teacher and writer. RetireJapan founder. Avid reader.

eMaxis Slim Shady 8-)
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