more wealth ≠ greater happiness

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more wealth ≠ greater happiness

Post by captainspoke »

Just something from my browsing. It could have been titled better ("Enough is Enough" ? ), but I guess this way attracts the clicks. And skip the annuity talk at the end... ... 1628194131
Opinion: Why retirees are better off safe than sorry
Are retirees with more assets more satisfied with their retirement lives?

Mark HulbertFirst Published: Aug. 6, 2021 at 2:20 p.m. ET
Retirement Weekly

Last Updated: Aug. 7, 2021 at 9:03 a.m. ET

There’s a limit to how much happiness money can buy.

That’s one of the more provocative lessons I draw from a recent survey of retirees conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI). Conducted last fall, the EBRI surveyed 2,000 retirees between the ages of 62 and 75 with less than $1 million in retirement assets. One of the numerous questions on the survey asked retirees to rate their level of satisfaction with retirement life.

The ability to correlate their answers with retirement assets traces to how the EBRI sliced and diced their sample. Based on income, wealth and spending factors, retirees were placed into five categories or profiles.

The accompanying chart plots these five profiles’ average satisfaction scores. Notice that, but for one profile, the scores all fall within a fairly close range. (CHARTS IN THE LINK)

The one outlier is the so-called “Struggling” profile, with an average satisfaction score of 5.75, with 1 indicating extremely dissatisfied and 10 indicating extreme satisfaction. And it’s hardly a surprise that retirees in this group had lower satisfaction levels than the other four.

That’s because, according to EBRI, the retirees in this profile “had low levels of financial assets (less than or equal to $99,000) and income (less than $40,000 annually)… more likely than any other group to rent rather than own their homes; … most likely to have unmanageable debt, such as credit card and medical debt… [and] rely on Social Security to provide the bulk of their retirement income.”

At the other end of the spectrum, retirees in the EBRI’s “Affluent” profile typically had high levels of financial assets ($320,000 or more) and annual income of $100,000 or more. Furthermore, “they were mostly mortgage-free homeowners, with no debt… [and] rarely reported having credit card and auto loan debt.” So it’s entirely to be expected that retirees in this category would report higher satisfaction levels than retirees in the “Struggling” profile.

What is surprising, however, is the average satisfaction scores in the three profiles in between these two extremes. Notice that they are quite close to that of the “Affluent” profile. Though I don’t have access to the underlying data, my hunch is that the differences in the scores for these upper four profiles (all those besides the “Struggling” category) aren’t statistically significant.

The conclusion I draw: Once we jump over some initial financial hurdle in preparing for retirement, there’s relatively little correlation between more wealth and greater happiness. Furthermore, that initial hurdle is fairly low.

The investment implications

Perhaps the most important investment implication I draw from this is that it’s better to avoid the worst-case scenario than it is to “shoot the moon” and bet everything on attaining the best-case scenario. Once you have your basic financial needs met, additional wealth has quickly diminishing returns in terms of your retirement satisfaction. So it makes little sense to incur inordinate risks in pursuit of those diminished returns.

One portfolio move you might make in response to this investment implication is to annuitize part of your retirement portfolio. By doing that you can lock in a guaranteed monthly payout that will last as long as you (or a spouse) live. Your goal might be to annuitize enough of your portfolio so that you jump over the low hurdle identified in the EBRI survey—thereby avoiding ending up in the “Struggling” profile of retirees.

To illustrate, consider the stream of annuity payments you could lock in if you purchased a $100,000 annuity as a single male, aged 65. According to, at current rates you could secure a guaranteed monthly income of $501 per month until your death. That would be above and beyond any Social Security or pension payments you are already entitled to.

Whether or not an annuity is a good idea depends on a host of factors, such as whether you are likely to outlive your actuarial life expectancy. You most definitely should consult a qualified financial planner before considering an annuity, since the devil is in the details.

In any case, note that it’s unlikely you’ll want to annuitize your entire retirement portfolio. The optimal amount depends on any of a number of assumptions—such as your age, your marital status, your portfolio size, your life expectancy, the markets’ returns, and so forth. Several years ago, David Blanchett, head of retirement research at Morningstar, analyzed more than 78,000 possible scenarios, each one of which represents a different set of assumptions. The average optimal annuity allocation across all those scenarios was 31%.

The bottom line? Only to a limited extent can money buy you retirement satisfaction. Plan accordingly.
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Re: more wealth ≠ greater happiness

Post by RetireJapan »

Makes sense to me!

Once you have food and shelter, it's up to you to get the other elements of a happy life together (relationships, hobbies, sense of purpose). Most of those can be free or low cost...
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Re: more wealth ≠ greater happiness

Post by Teflon »

I'll be happy if I have enough to buy a house in the countryside completely off the grid with solar panels and a Nissan Leaf for the occasional trips to the supermarket. Maybe a few dogs and lots and lots of books. My dream is to be able to catch up on all the books I've been meaning to read as there will finally be plenty of time to do just that. Kind of like that guy in that one Twilight Zone episode except if I have eye glasses in my old age I will be very careful not to break them and have several spares around just in case.
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Re: more wealth ≠ greater happiness

Post by KCLenny »

Teflon wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:16 am I'll be happy if I have enough to buy a house in the countryside completely off the grid with solar panels and a Nissan Leaf for the occasional trips to the supermarket. Maybe a few dogs and lots and lots of books. My dream is to be able to catch up on all the books I've been meaning to read as there will finally be plenty of time to do just that. Kind of like that guy in that one Twilight Zone episode except if I have eye glasses in my old age I will be very careful not to break them and have several spares around just in case.
Basically this but with cats and video games instead of dogs and books. (Although dogs and books will probably be included as well!)

I would definitely be happier if I had more financial security. Maybe it’s just a case of rich people problems. They don’t report being mega happy because they make up a load of issues that aren’t really that important.

But what do I know about being rich? I’m happy I got ¥900 interest on a NISA over 4 months.
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Re: more wealth ≠ greater happiness

Post by Established »

Everyone is at a different step in the journey.

For those of us that are young(ish) with kids, and more on the way our focus needs to be on accumulation.

I do not expect to be able to save much when they are in their teens. So it is a rush to get a nest egg started, and accumulating, before they start to siphon off all the monthly income.

Luckily due to this site, and iDeco, Tsumitate-Nisa, J-Nisa and taxable tsumitate through credit card, this can be done easily, in a stress-free way.

I am a hejokin so I will only get what I save for retirement. Nenkin is 6-7万 a month at most.

What will be the minimum for retirement? Full Tsumitate and at least 20 million in the ideco is my goal. Very doable in less than 20 years.
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