I have been thinking lately about different possibilities to invest differently from the commonly known mutual funds or stocks. I was searching for something with some fixed interest / coupon to receive in a fixed time frame and with relative low risk.
I have a couple of broker accounts, one in SBI and another in Rakuten. Then, I saw that SBI offers 円貨建債券, bonds in Japanese currency (yen), and some of them are rated by agencies, for instance: [Aa3(Moody's)/AA-(S&P)], which should be pretty low risk as compared to other investment like stocks. (or maybe I am wrong)
Let me give you a couple of examples with bonds to be issued soon: Sumitomo Fudosan and Sony. Both products are having an interest rate close to 5% after taxes and you have to keep the money there for 1 or 1 year and a half (depending which one you choose).
株価連動債(ソニー)お申し込み単位(額面) 50万円以上、50万円単位
利率 年5.96%(税引前)年4.749%(税引後)
発行体 香港上海銀行
発行体格付 Aa3(Moody's)/AA-(S&P
期間 約半年
And the picture of SBI:お申し込み単位(額面) 50万円以上、50万円単位
利率 年5.60%(税引前)年4.462%(税引後)
発行体 クレディ・スイス・エイ・ジー
期間 約1年半
発行体格付 Aa3(Moody's)/A+(S&P)
I know there is still risk in these products and also the fact that you need to keep the money there until its maturity, but I was thinking in trying this sort of products in the future as long as they have good ratings and the companies are well known Japanese ones.
Has anyone in the forum tried this sort of products? Is this what it is called a corporate bond?
Thank you very much in advance!