Pretty much as expected, to be honest

I got an email from the THEO guys talking about things on their one month anniversary. It included the graphic above which I found quite interesting.

As expected, most of their customers are based in Tokyo or surrounding municipal areas, most are under 40, and most have only put in the minimum 100,000 yen at this point.

It will be interesting to see what these numbers look like in a year’s time.

Anyone else trying THEO? I’m liking it. My account is at +2% right now. The next thing I want to figure out is how easy/quick it is to take money out. If it’s quick enough, it could mean you could use THEO as a supplementary cash reserve.

4 Responses

  1. Hello Ben,
    A quick question – did you have chance to figure out how easy it is to take money out of THEO? What are your thoughts about it?
    I’m seriously considering the product, but not sure what would happen if I moved from Japan/needed the cash in the short term.
    Thank you as always!

    1. Hi Yulia
      I tested that a month or so after opening the account. One of the things I love about THEO is that you can only do three things in your account: put money in, change your portfolio, and take money out.
      Taking money out is really simple. This is the screen:
      Your bank details are already in the system, so you just type in how much you want, and they send it to your bank account a couple of days later.
      I’m writing a post about THEO for tomorrow talking about their new features ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Great news! At least there are no hurdles “by design” to take the funds out. Just need to figure out the good timing to do so ๐Ÿ™‚
        Looking forward to the new post too!

      2. Yep. THEO has a good product, very good customer service, and excellent interface and usability.
        I think their fees are too high, but hopefully they will come down in the future. I keep asking them to reduce them, anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰