Looks much better now

Wordle of the full content of the Guide

I mentioned The RetireJapan Guide to iDeCo in a blog post a couple of weeks ago.

Since then a few people bought a copy (thank you!), and some of them very kindly sent me feedback.

After making some corrections and adding a section, I paid someone to format the Guide properly 🙂

I think it looks quite good now, and I’m really proud of it. As far as I know it’s the only reference material to iDeCo in English, and hopefully will help people understand what iDeCo is, whether they want to open an account, and how to do so.

The concept for the RetireJapan Guides is that they will be updated over time, and anyone who buys one will have access to subsequent editions for ever.

I don’t think anyone needs to buy one: they could just read through the RetireJapan site and past blog posts, and ask questions in the forum to get the same information.

What the Guide does is provide the information in a concise and organized manner. It should save people a lot of time.

The launch price for the iDeCo Guide is 1,000 yen and will go up once I publish the second Guide (to NISA). I’m not sure when that will be but am aiming for a November launch.

So if you haven’t opened an iDeCo account yet and would like to learn more before doing so, you might find the Guide useful.

More importantly, if you have a friend who is interested in opening an account please tell them about the RetireJapan site and/or the Guide. Thanks!

11 Responses

  1. It’s a big strange that you can only pay in USD, especially as it’s about Japan. Nobody likes currency conversion fees. 😉

  2. There is webpay.jp but requires coding. Also PayPal Japan doesn’t allow payment in yen?
    … … …
    Unrelated, but would you consider a thread at the forum on how you are growing retire Japan on social media. How you go about deciding when it’s right to do sponsored fb ads, for example. And, using hootsuite or other to simultaneously post (having issues with that). Would be very helpful.
    Investing is alright but have lost hope in the market. Final frontier is investing in making a decent living, and for me, that requires smm knowledge. Thanks very much for your blog, Ben. I read it often.

    1. Hi J
      Thanks. Should probably qualify that and say ‘suggestions for Japanese site that is as functional and simple as gumroad’ 😉
      The main thing for me is being able to update the product easily and inform people who bought it about the new edition. Amazon does that but would also take 70% of the cover price…
      Definitely post anything you like in the forum -I’m happy to answer there.

  3. A bit off topic, but what did you use to make your guide and what format are you using?
    Shame you hadn’t made it a year ago, would have saved me a lot of time (although I wouldn’t have had to read through the forum and learn lots of other interesting stuff).

  4. Hi Steve
    Wrote it in Word, then converted to PDF through Word, then paid someone to format it properly 🙂

    1. Cheers. How are you preventing people from just downloaded forwarding copies to friends, denying you your hard earned royalties?

    2. My understanding is that you can’t really prevent people from pirating digital media, and trying to do so just annoys your actual customers.
      I trust the RetireJapan community, and I think most people are good people and won’t abuse the system.
      We’ll see how things work out I guess!

    1. Hi TT
      I believe so, but it depends what you choose to buy. Depending on the provider, you may have a choice of cash deposit, insurance, or mutual fund products.