will be in Sendai

I am really pleased to announce that the next RetireJapan workshop will be held in Sendai. The local JALT chapter has kindly invited me to speak on January 31st. Details below:

JALT Sendai Upcoming Events

Sunday Jan 31 2016Ben Shearon on Personal Finance, Investing, and Retirement for Residents of Japan
Date: Sunday January 31, 2016
Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Venue:  Sendai War Memorial Hall (仙台市戦災復興記念館)
Abstract: Many teachers in Japan would like to get their finances in order, but aren’t quite sure where to start. This exposes them to three big potential dangers: not doing anything, doing the wrong thing, and being taken advantage of by ‘advisors’ or financial institutions. This workshop will cover basic aspects of personal finance and investing, as well as specific investing.
Bio: Ben Shearon is an English teacher based in Sendai, Japan. He is passionate about extensive reading and personal finance. Ben runs the teaching blog sendaiben.org and the personal finance site retirejapan.info.

Hope to see many of you there!

2 Responses

  1. How much of your session is specific to teachers VS generic (good) advice on how to invest?
    Any plans to speak in Tokyo one day?

    1. Hi SB
      This is the 101 session, so it is roughly 1/3 personal finance, 1/3 basic investing, and 1/3 Japanese investing instruments. There is nothing particularly teacher-focused, it’s for residents of Japan, especially ones who don’t have the Japanese skills to get this information in Japanese.
      There just happen to be a lot of teachers in that group!
      I’m happy to present anywhere I am invited to, which is mainly JALT chapters at the moment.
      Tokyo would be cool. I may organize my own events in the future, but for now I am a bit busy with my other side hustle 🙂