So I guess summer is here now?

Mid-April, and it is getting hot and humid here in Sendai (29 degrees today!). Insects are having a field day.

Here are this week’s links.

Can’t see this happening in Japan anytime soon: Asian companies ‘planning big shift to automation’.
Automation accelerates! The verdict is in: AI outperforms human lawyers in reviewing legal documents.
All is not lost: 3 ways to make up for a retirement savings shortfall.
​A balanced millionaire interview.
Great list of books from Derek Sivers: books I have read.
A pretty grim view of the future: how to get rich quick in Silicon Valley.
Don’t bother teaching kids to code: Teach kids creativity. Ultimately, machines will be better at coding.
I’d love to see this spread to all high schools and universities: young Japanese turn to financial education to prepare for future of uncertain pensions.
Our most popular link this week: amount of monthly ‘kozukai’ allowance ties into salaryman’s ‘social class’.
New Cat Foreheads and Rabbit Hutches post on ‘tower manshons’: sky’s no limit
A fantastic post from Morgan Housel. Big is good, until it isn’t: casualties of your own success.
A very well-paid millionaire interview.
Great collection of links from the Collaborative Fund: what we are reading.
Great news everyone! Bitcoin is apparently worth… something. What Bitcoin is really worth may no longer be such a mystery.
More non-news: rich people believe they can buy anything. Wealthiest investors expect to reach 100
Apparently savers are attractive to potential romantic partners. Hello ladies 🙂
I’m a big fan of Sebastian Marshall’s writing: The Strategic Review is always interesting and occasionally life-changing.
Nursing homes in Japan often require huge upfront payments. One woman successfully got hers back.
Andrew Hallam writes about annuities in this short post.
Cal Newport has a very interesting theory about the importance of attention capital. I think he might be right, but it’s a toss-up between his solution and just getting computers to do it: beyond black box management.

Anything good in there?