I want to buy shares in hayfever medication

Another week gone! Spooky.

Here are the stories that lit up the RetireJapan Facebook page this week. Speaking of Facebook, do you think they should be: a) shut down, b) nationalised, or c) boycotted for seemingly contributing to both Trump and Brexit? 😉

TELL (Tokyo English Life Line) needs help. I volunteered at a lifeline in uni. Very worthy work and desperately needed in Japan.
The burn is what tells you it’s working.
This millionaire interview sounds like my grandfather Alan.
Enjoy content, not too much. Mostly paid.”
Parking cars can be weird in Japan.
US companies are doing great by being in China.
TransferWise are changing their fees. Some currencies are going up but most are going down.
Whatever you do, make sure you understand what you are investing in.
Is the internet the next health crisis or is this overblown?
John Oliver does cryptocurrency (video).
Write-up of Dave Ramsay. I’m actually enjoying his Money Makeover so far.
​A slightly unrelatable millionaire interview.
Financial independence good, early retirement bad.
Giving investing advice well is not easy.
If you don’t understand this you probably shouldn’t buy stocks.
The Japanese elderly prison population is exploding. For some people life might be better inside than out.
The tipping point: when your investments grow by more than you put into them.
Some good advice to think about pensions.
UK corporate pensions are less generous than they were. My take-home? You need to take care of yourself.
I’m having trouble understanding what people get out of this Tony Robbins seminar. Sounds exactly like cult indoctrination to me…
Increasing your saving rate is boring. Instead, increase your profit margin.
Look at the disgusting fees in this otherwise ordinary story.
Regarding the future, you should have expectations but not predictions.
Everyone accounts for bad luck but not for good.
Bucket strategies in retirement are inefficient but might save you from panic and mistakes.
​James Clear tells us all we need for success is to do the work.
A great Sebastian Marshall post on communication.

Anything good in there? Any good stories we missed last week?

6 Responses

  1. The problem with FB is not with FB, it’s actually a problem with any large centralized communications service. Rather than worry merely about FB’s shenanigans, we should be pushing for more federation and decentralization. Only that will prevent any government or strong political organization from easily censoring the masses.

  2. I agree with you regarding Tony Robbins. The seminars are a great way to build Tony’s wealth.

  3. Funny how in “Whatever you do, make sure you understand what you are investing in,” the author mentions someone getting stuck in an offshore investment bond…
    (tho luckily, they only got stuck for a year)