Is it the rainy season yet or what?

Golden Week is over and it’s a long way until the next decent holiday in the summer. Only one thing for it: reading random stuff on the internet 😉

Last week we finally got The RetireJapan Guide to NISA formatted. It’s looking pretty good now, and is still 1,000 yen until the end of this month. If you’ve been thinking about getting a copy or recommending it to a friend or colleague please do so before the price goes up on June 1st.

On to this week’s links:

Have mixed feelings about this one: Japan is struggling to deal with the foreign tourism boom.
A down-to-earth millionaire interview.
Completely agree: Japan must abolish mandatory retirement.
It’s the things you don’t see coming (the black swans) that sink you: nobody planned this, nobody expected it
Ben Carlson on investment advisors: bad advice can be expensive.
Twitter thread on investing by Jim OShaughnessy: some things I think I know and some things I don’t know.
Will AI be helpful or destructive: the sunny and the dark side of AI.
Interesting thoughts on what makes for successful stocks (but they don’t mention valuation): if Collaborative Fund invested in public stocks.
JL Collins gave a talk at Google on personal finance and investing.
Hospital food around the world in pictures, but it all looks suspiciously good.
​Computer says no… : should I time the market?
Some predictions about emerging markets (from people that run an EM fund): emerging market 2018 outlook
Really interesting article about people’s spending in retirement: the myth of outliving your retirement savings.
Fairly common, but a good reminder: regrets of the dying.
Why financial rules of thumb might not be a good fit for everyone: all thumbs.

Anything in there you enjoyed?

3 Responses

  1. From the tourism article:
    “[Takeshi Kitano] said that Japan had sacrificed its cultural integrity for the sake of money, thus implying that foreign tourism was polluting the Japanese spirit.”
    Look who’s talking. Mr Kitano has had no problem accepting foreign money for a very long time, from his appearance in movies and other things.

  2. The JL Collins interview is excellent, I decided to buy the book.
    Cheers for sharing

  3. I can agree with some of the points on the mandatory retirement post, but I feel like the labor shortage is simply down to massive inefficiencies and that increasing the workforce to allow those inefficiencies to continue seems like a poor idea. Too much of middle management is already being squatted by senior members of the workforce that are there due to seniority and not ability and an increase in retirement age would have to come with a total abolition of 年功序列 or see the japanese economy further handicapped