Hot hot hot

It is hot and seems to be getting hotter. I worry about what things will be like in a decade or two. For now, we are getting by using a fan and a circulator fan to keep the air moving!

Here are this week’s links:

  1. Dual nationality in Japan: technically illegal, practically a grey zone.
  2. Interesting millionaire interview. Early mistakes and a reasonable 20% saving rate don’t prevent wealth accumulation.
  3. This is great. Bottom-up progress: restaurant chains are taking the smoking ban into their own hands.
  4. The RetireJapan forum crossed 2,000 posts this week 🙂
  5. I don’t think that word means what you think it means: Amazon as a Value Stock? Believe It.
  6. I suspect this guy also has good genes, but he’s an inspiring role model: Why this 70-year-old feels like he’s 25.
  7. Socially responsible investing: Is Your Investment Portfolio Hiding Guns or Cigarettes?
  8. One last check before the next crash: Are You Sure Your Investments Are Appropriate For You?
  9. This seems to be accelerating: non-Japanese in Japan jump by record 170,000 to 2.49 million.
  10. I found this excellent: expresses something that seems true but I hadn’t really considered before: 5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Own Life (Without Knowing It).
  11. Interesting take on money: Anthony Bourdain Does Not Want to Owe Anybody Even a Single Dollar​.
  12. Video discussing negative aspects of the Japanese workplace (with Glen Wood, the guy that sued Mitsubishi UFJ for paternity harassment).
  13. Some thoughts related to achievement: secondary stressors and tactile ambition.
  14. ​Some great links: what we’re reading.
  15. The best time to start is twenty years ago. The second best time is today: any money in shares is better than none at all.
  16. ​A sensible checklist: the big questions to ask before you retire.
  17. Give children a head start with their finances: Don’t Punish Your Kids: Teach Them This Financial Lesson.

Anything good in there? I think #10 was my favourite, but there are half a dozen that I will be rereading today 🙂

One Response

  1. #7. As the article hints, slicing and dicing an index can be a rabbit hole. Maybe you should exclude GMO food/ag companies, defence/arms, fast food, companies that make vaccines, or oil drillers, or coal, and so on.
    Altria (MO) is one of my winners. I bought it a little while after the PM spinoff–900 shares, basis is $19.24. I haven’t done the math, but it might’ve paid for itself by now. (I haven’t bought any pot stocks yet…!)