Back to work

I really enjoyed Golden Week this year. Managed to get out and do some stuff with the family. Sadly the next decent holiday is in August…

Here are some links to take the sting out of being back at work 😉

Kind of grim: Akita town presented as a microcosm for future population decline.
A prepper millionaire.
Great Twitter thread on electric cars, batteries, charging, etc.
This article changed my life (the opposite way it was supposed to): I could make lots more money if I worked much longer. 
Can’t imagine ever having to deal with this, but interesting: what it’s like to have a seven-figure income.
Nice explanation of annuities, which are similar to government and final salary pension schemes: what’s so bad about a guaranteed income for life?
I think this is very important, but I had to read it a couple of times before I understood it: you are not a Monte Carlo simulation.
If you aren’t already saving and investing, you should probably start: the cost of waiting.
Sadly I know very few people that started saving seriously in their twenties, otherwise this makes a lot of sense: how about later.
I too would like to lose ten kilos, but doubt I’ll be trying this: how I lost 10kg eating at 7-11.
Electric cars seem to be finally taking off: Germany overtakes Norway as Europe’s top market for electrified cars.
Japan’s population continues to drop like a stone: child population down for 37th straight year in Japan.
​I’ve been thinking about diversifying where I keep my investments for a while now: even brokers can fail you.
I’m a fan of Tynan’s approach to money: how I manage money part two, spending.
Interesting UK fireman millionaire.
Decision paralysis can be crippling for new investors. I recommend doing something, anything, to get started and build momentum: why too many choices make us bad investors.
Hydrogen fuel cells for cars seem to be a bad idea: the future of hydrogen-powered cars in Japan.

Anything good in there? The ‘work longer, make more money’ article made me seriously consider staying at my job instead of leaving in four years the way I had been planning to 🙂

5 Responses

    1. Thanks OBNO
      Not planning to stop working, but was considering leaving my job 🙂
      The autophagy stuff is interesting. I quite like intermittent fasting so hopefully am using it already!

  1. I think I’ll be happy working forever but hope it will be more fulfilling than my current job. I find i am more productive while working and get more done. When im on holiday i end up being a lazy git.
    Fortune had (Jan 2018) had a good article similar to the website basically saying stay in your job alap as the difference is huge and living for many years after retirement is a huge financial burden.

    1. Oh, it’s a no-brainer in terms of making money. I should be paid at least $2m over the next 25 years. On the other hand, once you have enough money/passive income to live on, at which point does the marginal utility of more income go below the marginal utility of more freedom?
      I definitely plan to work forever, but don’t like the idea of having a job for much longer!

  2. “I’ve been thinking about diversifying where I keep my investments for a while now: even brokers can fail you.”
    Some years back I opened an account here in Japan with US “TD Ameritrade”, I had a number of stocks with them.
    I left Japan for a couple of years, updated my address to my home country.
    I then returned to Japan again, updated my address again and within a couple of weeks I got a letter from this broker saying that due to a change in their policy, they no longer served customers in Japan. They informed me that I had about 6 weeks to sell all my stocks and close this account. They also mentioned that if I did not do this, they would sell my stocks automatically when the deadline was reached and the account would be closed… The tone of the letter was quite threatening actually… I phoned them, explained that I had opened the account originally while in Japan, however they would not accomodate, so I closed this account…
    “diversifying” is a very good idea, as brokers can do what they want, whenever they want with your investments….