Back in Japan

We’re back in Japan, and normal service will resume for the blog on September 5th. Hope to have something good for you then.

For now, here are this week’s links:

  1. Amen: get rich with simplicity.
  2. A Short History of Emerging Market Corrections & Bear Markets.
  3. Empire of the: plastic Japan.
  4. New batteries will change everything: THE US IS LOSING THE HIGH-STAKES GLOBAL BATTERY WAR​.
  5. How Mindful Exercise & Fitness Training Can Affect Your Mental Health.
  6. I like Kant’s routine: the one rule for life.
  7. This, plus hydroponics: this army of AI robots will feed the world.
  8. This would be good for people buying stocks in the future: expected returns and the seven year itch.
  9. Wish I’d been more like this: ESI scale interview.
  10. Thoroughly agree: why everyone should watch less news.
  11. This is not saving. This is being poor: ‘extreme saving’ a growing tendency.
  12. A Silicon Valley millionaire interview.
  13. ​Seems legit: buying emerging markets during a disaster.
  14. Businesses should be doing this here: Yorkshire chippy’s Mandarin menu proves popular with Chinese tourists.
  15. I’d like to see this in Japan: plastic bag levy ‘to rise to 10p – with no shop spared’.
  16. This aged well: the first modern investing advertisement.
  17. ​​I probably need some of these: five writing tips to sound more eloquent.
  18. Gary V. is great: ​Passive Income is a Bulls*** Internet Dream.

Phew! What do you think? Anything good in there? I loved #18.

4 Responses

  1. Uh…, you liked #18?!?!
    Tho there’s no link there, I googled the title and tried–TRIED–to watch the video.
    Sorry, I only got about three minutes into it before giving up.