Rain, rain, go away. Seriously.

After the weather these last couple of weeks, I wonder if I really left the UK after all. Hoping to see some sunshine sometime soon…

In the meantime, here are this week’s links. Regular blog service returns from Wednesday. お楽しみ!

  1. Sounds like this millionaire interview started out as a JET.
  2. Nice blog about eco living in Japan: the Shiga Eco House Project.
  3. ​Incentives rule the world: Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcome.
  5. No cookie: bad news.
  6. Invest, invest, invest: Will society still need me, will it still feed me, when I’m 100?
  7. Hoping we get these before we have to buy a new car: Self-driving taxi with paying passengers tested in Tokyo in world first.
  8. It’s not just about the money: friendly reminder.
  9. Good advice: 10 tactless things I tell clients.
  10. Do people believe this stuff? Money Lies that Keep You Poor.
  11. Long overdue: Japan to oblige mobile carriers to unlock used smartphones from Sept. 2019.
  12. Ignore the news: Why Doesn’t The Stock Market Care About the News?
  13. ​This seems horribly familiar: bullshit jobs.
  14. We wasted a huge opportunity after 3.11: Time is now to turn renewables into ‘mainstay’ energy sources.
  15. Japan should resolve the current disgrace of a situation: Secure proper conditions for foreign workers.
  16. A tough choice: Your Biggest Expense as a New Parent.
  17. I need to learn more about this: Nick Littlehales: the man who showed Cristiano Ronaldo how to sleep.
  18. An optimistic take: normalising non-Japanese in Japan.
  19. Worth a read: how to get rich and stay rich.
  20. I’ve thought about this too: Wanting to make a difference, Bolivia-born Noemi Inoue turned Japanese and entered politics.
  21. Why, bureaucracy, why? BUREAUCRACY AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT.
  22. Losing my job in 2008 worked out well for me too: ​Why Getting Fired Was One of the Best Things that Ever Happened to Me.

Phew, lots of links this week. Anything you enjoyed? I liked #4, 17, 21.

Here are some books I am reading at the moment/finished recently:

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