Rain, rain, go away
Hope everyone is safe out there. The typhoon should just about clear Sendai by the time the newsletter goes out.
Here are this week’s links:
- Which is better? Paying Off the Mortgage vs Investing the Difference.
- A dose of reality: long-term news.
- A public servant millionaire interview.
- People who invest get more money: The New Gilded Age?
- Shiller speaks: Are US stock market highs justified, or is there a bubble?
- Our manshon is too close to sea level: America’s era of climate mass migration is here.
- The voice of experience: What we own and why we own it: 2018.
- Who’s afraid of the big, bad EM? Would You Run Towards Emerging Market Blood?
- Hmm: Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work.
- If you don’t have one, fix that: It’s an emergency (fund)!
- Some good quotes this time: what we’re reading.
- It’s the spending, stupid: FIRE in the news, liar, liar, pants on FIRE.
- A hardworking millionaire interview.
- Advice for young (and not so young) people: the starting out blueprint.
- A frugal, deliberate life: My Non-Financial Life.
- Which one are you, boy? Different kinds of smart.
- Setting limits helps you achieve: do things you can sustain.
- I’m overweight EM: The Curious Case for Emerging Markets.
- Really important concept: the cash flow engine.
- The OECD account information sharing is starting (Japanese): 富裕層などの海外口座情報を共有 日本と84の国・地域が連携.
- I still need to work on this: Top Ten Efficiency Secrets of The White Coat Investor.
- A wonderful conversation with Charlie Munger.
What do you think? Anything good in there? I enjoyed #5, #6, and #14.
And here are the books I am reading/have read/plan to read soon:
- Death’s End (book three in the Chinese SF trilogy I’ve been reading) -this is long but really good. I’ve very close to finishing it now. It’s wonderfully Chinese, in that the literary style and how the characters react feels really different.
- The Silkworm (J.K.Rowling’s second detective story under a pen name). I enjoyed the first one, and it seems she’s written four now! We’ll see how this one is.