Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan.

Shiogama City at night -amazing sushi and other restaurants here

My daughter said this last week.

“I think summer is over.”

Now, that might initially seem like something an insane person would say, given that we’ve had 30+ days all week, but I think she might be right.

The nights are not quite as hot, the air feels different, and my allergies are back.

It’s not quite time to celebrate (I’m seeing predictions of abnormally warm weather through October) but the end might be in sight.

I’m generally a climate pessimist, but this summer has shocked even me. Might have to start on a plan E just in case things get worse here.

I’m planning to stay in Sendai, but we’ll have to see how conditions develop over the next few decades.

RetireJapan TV

Last week’s RetireJapan TV was our Series One finale, and what an episode it was! Had a really interesting conversation with Twitter’s Paprika Girl. Daniel even put this episode in his top three from Season One!

You can check it out on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube (below), or your favourite podcast platform (just seach for RetireJapan TV). If we’re not on your platform of choice please let me know so I can fix that.


Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. We published one new video this week:

Life Insurance in Japan

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The Forum

The Forum is doing well (29,565 posts so far). Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books

I’ve been rereading Lee Child’s Tripwire (Reacher #3) for the third? fourth? time. It’s a satisfying switch your brain off read.

Also really enjoying the second half of The Lords of Discipline. I have no idea why I hadn’t heard of this book before.

And Dotcom Secrets is turning out much more useful and much less scammy than it initially seemed 😉

This week’s product

There are mixed reviews of Yakult’s new Y1000 product online: it claims to improve sleep and stress, but some people think it has too much sugar in it.

I tried it last week: the first night I had the best sleep I have had in years, woke up early completely refreshed.

The second night I slept really badly: kept waking up and having weird vivid dreams.

Might need more data points… anyone else tried it?

This week’s links

  1. But of course: Happiness is the Only Logical Pursuit
  2. This seems like a good initiative: Drivers in Japan plied with alcohol to show drink-driving dangers
  3. “entirely in line with… predictions” ‘Off-the-charts records’: has humanity finally broken the climate?
  4. I’m glad this was on the TV news the other day: The Johnny & Associates Scandal: A Silent Japanese Media Was An Accomplice Says Expert Panel
  5. Oh good: El Niño is back, and could bring devastation far beyond extreme weather
  6. This interview (YouTube) was SO GOOD. Entrepreneurship Masterclass: How to Make $10k – $1M per Month – Daniel Priestley
  7. Great news for amateur stock traders: SBI, Rakuten to Scrap Transaction Fees for Japan Stocks
  8. Completely agree. I will miss frequent flyer programs but they are pretty much indefensible now: 12 obvious ways to reduce emissions that nobody is talking about
  9. Incredible, but I’m glad this kind of thing is getting media and judicial attention: Nara police officer forced to confess to false theft charges awarded $21K
  10. Good reminder: Are you doing what you said you wanted to do?

What do you think? Anything interesting in there?

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Check out the RetireJapan website for more information, the Forum for discussions about personal finance and investing in Japan, and our coaching page if you need more help.

19 Responses

  1. #10: The ruling stated that such harsh interrogations “go beyond socially acceptable bounds and are illegal.”

    But unlike the First World, where judicial proclamations are absorbed into the legal corpus and guide future judgements, it’ll be business here as usual tomorrow.

  2. As I mentioned in a past blog post I tried Yakult 1000 and I had a good sleep. Now seeing your comment I’m intruiged. Might have to try two in a row now and see if the same thing happens to me. I wonder if instead of being taken regularly it might be more like an energy drink where you should only take it when you need it. Look forward to hearing if anybody else on here has tried it.

    1. You might be right. I assumed it would be a daily thing, but maybe it’s an occasional thing instead ^-^

      1. Update: Bought a 7 pack. Took a couple in a row at night. Nothing. Tried a couple a day in the morning. Nothing. Tried a couple spread out… nothing! So that adventure is over. I did buy some ピルクル400 that Paprika Girl recommended on twitter. It’s much cheaper so I guess I’ll take that for a while. If nothing else my gut will probably thank me for it.
        Otherwise something like Oliver Mackie mentioned below if I feel I need to go down that path.

  3. I tried Y1000 but it was 11AM….I wanted something for my gut health, so probably didn’t affect my sleep that night. It was interesting the see that 2 of 3 shops I’ve visited in my neighborhood lately posted signs near the product ‘requesting’ customers limit purchases to 1-3 bottles/household.

    1. They are selling six packs in our local supermarket so it seems supply is catching up with demand now ^-^

  4. I used to have allergies the entire 30 years I was in Japan. Suddenly, they’re gone. Why? I stopped eating plants.

  5. I have found the following to be close to revolutionary for my sleep. Have been taking it for, maybe, 2 years now.

    Called the ‘Huberman cocktail’ it was suggested by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman in his podcast. It has a lot of rigorous research behind it.

    Magnesium Glycinate (Magtein): 200-400mg
    Apigenin: 50mg
    (There are other things you can add, but they don’t necessarily make it more effective for some people.)

    To be taken up to 2 hours before sleep (I usually only take it 30-40 minutes before.)

    NOTE: this is a chronic treatment. You will not see much effect for at least 2 weeks, maybe longer. After that, though, if you keep taking it,
    you will feel the effects consistently.

    Hope it helps….

      1. Don’t get me started…. It has been so good for me that I keep one year’s supply on hand, as a buffer against supply glitches. Enough said.

      2. Also, making sure that you get 1 gram or more per day of EPA/DHA, either through supplementation or eating enough of the right fish is said to be an important foundation for good sleep. Full disclosure: I have been doing that too, which might have aided the effect of these supplements.

    1. I’m interested, but Magnesium Glycinate is bloody expensive on Amazon. There are plenty of Japanese products called グリシン. Is that the same thing just without the magnesium? Where do you buy the Magnesium Glycinate and how much do you pay?

      1. It is expensive. There about 10 different types of magnesium – apparently – but only 2 of them can cross the blood-brain barrier, which is the essential point here. I buy 180 tablets (2 months supply) on Amazon for about 6,000 yen, so 100 yen a day, plus the Apigenin (which is much less expensive.) As I said, though, for me it has been massive, not only for sleep, but for memory and general mood. グリシン is something else.

  6. My apologies, I got mixed up. The magnesium I take is magnesium threonate, also marketed as Magtein. It and glycinate are the only two that can be used in this protocol.

    1. Thanks for the info. I found them on Amazon and will order a couple months’ worth and see how it goes. Coincidentally, I’m already taking L-Theanine, which is the third component of his magic potion, though I currently take that mornings only. It seems to stop me flying off the handle too quickly 🙂

      1. If you look at the Huberman material, he lists L-Theanine as optional, as taken at night some people find that it makes their dreams too vivid and ends up being counterproductive. This is exactly what I find, and have experimented several times to confirm it. I do recommend the Apigenin though. Good luck.