RetireJapan is full steam

There is so much going on now at RetireJapan. Our flagship annual live course started this week. If you’re interested in the next cohort, you can sign up for the waiting list here.

YouTube and the blog are going really well this year. Thanks for watching and reading! Please tell other people about them.

And I am getting a huge number of requests for coaching. I guess it’s that time of year when people are doing spring cleaning and want to get their finances in order too. You can see more details about that here. We’ll be making some changes to how coaching works after March, so if you have something on your mind please get in touch sooner rather than later 😉

RetireJapan TV

We’ll be talking to the sauve Ziv Nakajima-Magen this month on RetireJapan TV, mainly about investing in real estate in Japan. Check out Ziv’s legendary seminar from 2021 if you’re interested in the topic, as we’ll be asking him what has changed since then!

The show will be next week, on February 19th, from 20:00 as usual. Join us on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter 🙂


Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. We are growing quite strongly this year, and it is largely down to your help and support. Should be hitting 4,000 subscribers by the time you read this, which is incredible.

This week we published a video about setting financial goals. Hope you find it useful! What financial goals are you currently working on?

But doctor, I am Pagliacci

I was playing with Google Gemini (AI thingy) this week and got the following response:

Good to see that Google knows the score at least! The really cool thing is that I was logged in with my personal email address, not the RetireJapan one.

I guess this counts as an official seal of approval from Google. Very encouraging.

Bit weird to be directed to my own website to learn about the topic I asked about though. Reminds me of that joke in Watchmen…

Buying mutual funds on SBI

A nice tutorial on how to buy mutual funds on SBI from financial ninja Japan. Really like how they did this, and might be copying the format for my own vidoes! Give them a like and subscribe, we need more people sharing information in English.

The Forum

The Forum is doing well (32,916 posts so far). Excitingly, we now have over 2,000 registered members (2,056 currently). The forum rules are here. In essense, they are:

  1. Be nice
  2. Ask any question you like
  3. Only answer questions when you have relevant knowledge or experience

Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s links

  1. Slow down to enjoy things? Makes sense. Slow Down to Fall in Love Again
  2. Love some of these (especially #6): A Few Thoughts on Spending Money
  3. A bit technical but interesting: Should we prefer bonds over stocks?
  4. This very much applies to Japan as well: How To Afford a House These Days
  5. I believe at least some shops and services should be legally obliged to take cash: The end of money
  6. Yes. Should You Invest in Stocks at All-Time Highs?
  7. Ooh, didn’t expect this article to go in that direction: Managing Money Is Easy, Managing Wealth Isn’t
  8. It’s the thief of joy: Comparison Culture
  9. This is fascinating: Global fertility isn’t just declining, it’s collapsing
  10. Worth reading: Protecting Financial Assets from Fraud, Theft, and Scams (Part 2)
  11. Oh good. Wonder if we’ll see a Category 7 in my lifetime? Hurricanes becoming so strong that new category needed, study says
  12. Found this interesting and slightly depressing. Reminds me of that line from Watchmen “smartest man on the cinder” (YouTube): I wasn’t worried about climate change. Now I am.
  13. This is pretty grim reading, although I don’t understand why the first woman stayed in London: ‘We never got off the treadmill’: the Britons who can’t afford to retire
  14. This looks amazing but I think I hate the idea: All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro
  15. Good for the stock price though: Vision Pro: Bullish For Apple, Bearish for Society
  16. I’m not a fan, but an interesting read about the Kishi/Abe family: The builder of a dynasty
  17. Fingers crossed! All-Time Highs in the Stock Market are Usually Followed by More All-Time Highs

What do you think? Anything interesting in there?

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Check out the RetireJapan website for more information, the Forum for discussions about personal finance and investing in Japan, and our coaching page if you need more help.