You need to update them from time to time

I was in the supermarket the other day and noticed something curious: the two items in the basket have almost the same number of calories -the cinammon roll has slightly more!
I would not have thought that before I went on a diet this year (since January -it’s slow progress but I hope a permanent change this time). A lot of the progress was learning about and paying attention to calories and macros.
It’s been frankly mind-blowing.
And learning about money and investing is similar. You might find that all your assumptions and what you thought was the case is actually wrong, and that the important factors are things you didn’t even know about.
It’s not hard, but it requires you to put in a bit of time and deconstruct your current mental models to create new, better ones.
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Japan Real Estate Summit Autumn 2024
All the content from the JRES Autumn 2024 is now available here: very useful if you are interested in buying a home, renovating a home, renting out a home, and more!
The Forum
Speaking of which, the Forum is doing well (38,139 posts so far). The forum rules are here. In essence, they are:
- Be nice
- Ask any question you like
- Only answer questions when you have relevant knowledge or experience
Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books
Finished reading Dark Matter, by Blake Crouch. The book was average, but the ending was really good. Did not see it coming at all. Kind of interested in the TV show now.
Started The Barbell Prescription, as recommended by the legendary Mark Rippetoe (because I am over 40 -heh). Pretty readable so far.
This week’s links
- I like this guy (YouTube): How Mr. Yabatan became Japan’s favorite foreigner
- If low-cost diversified mutual funds are not enough for you: How to beat inflation with Japanese dividend stocks
- Martin’s been busy this week! Facing inflation – the four assets you should own
- Not sure about this. The implementation seems overly cumbersome: Deadline Approaching to Replace Old Health Insurance Cards with Japan’s MyNumber National ID
- Almost 4 hours of nenkin TV shows. Pretty grim stuff (YouTube): 【年金まとめ】年金支給日にセール開催 / 年金生活…仕事求めるワケ / 年金増額も“すずめの涙”貯金が尽きて“職探し”80代も など ニュースまとめ(日テレNEWSLIVE)
- Completely agree. Think and talk about your assets and any possible inheritance with your loved ones: Talking about inheritance has psychological as well as financial benefits
- Yikes: 3% Stock Market Returns For the Next Decade?
What do you think? Anything interesting in there?
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Starting Strength… brilliant to see you’re reading this. It is an excellent no nonsense program that helped me get stronger than I’ve ever been. Another great resource from the Asgaard folk:
#4. The thought of the MyNumber card also giving access to my medical information (and then my driver’s license) makes my skin crawl. I would prefer to keep the 3 things separated. Having a “national health card” would be great, instead of the paper thing that is currently in use and that is renewed every two years. I think it should be easier to keep updated.
Considering that the MyNumber card has 4 separate functions that require at least two separate passwords (can be 4 passwords) and that you have to go to the ward or city office to change the password should you, or anyone else, attempt to access the card with the wrong password 3 times, having 2 or 3 functions just makes it a nightmare to use and update. (And then you have to create new passwords to use the card.) I avoid checking any of the announcements about the card on my phone just to avoid making a mistake with the password.
I also think about what if the card is lost/stolen, or whatever reason, someone tries to confiscate it because they think you shouldn’t have one (or you are being penalized for some traffic violation)? It takes too long to replace it. Using it as a driver’s license overseas along with the International Driving Permit is dicey. I only carry the documents I need, and my Japanese health insurance card and identity card are not among them.
The original intent was as an identity card for tax purposes. Talk about governmental control expansion, and it still doesn’t have a good grasp of the data protection needed.
Interesting post. It’s funny though, because I have started doing the opposite.
I haven’t read “The barbell prescription”, so I don’t know what he actually recommends in the book, but I assume from the title he recommends barbells. One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is to stop using barbells. As you get older dumbbells, or even more so bands, are much easier on joints such as shoulders.
I’ve also stopped tracking calories and macros. I did it for a long time so I probably do have a good sense of how much protein etc.. I need. But now my focus is on fiber. I think if you focus on eating really high fiber foods, cut out all the processed stuff, then you won’t over eat. You get too full eating fruits, vegetables and lean protein to over eat, and you’ll have no trouble getting all the nutrients you need. But counting calories is extremely difficult, and a calorie is not a calorie.
Well there is no improvement in “medical care” with the my number card. It is basically just a bureaucracy thing. Maybe for taxes, and the hospital and pharmacy, but there is no improvement in medical care.(as they tout). You’ve still gotta roll up, give them your card, and get a examination and diagnosis. It won’t be long before it replaces the driving license.But i would love it to replace, all the paper work at city hall. Hank for this, paper for this, paper for that, another paper to register,I can’t imagine how many trees have been killed. I really want it to replace the darn HANKO. I guess they will also add the my number to conscription when they comes in. But what a way to bring in a National I.D card. Connect it to the health care system.
BTW the nenkin video link is now private so we couldn’t watch it.
3% stock market return. Possibly another guru, on the media trail, give us scares and bring in the eye balls. I thought last year it this year was supposed be a nightmare, recession.
The one thing I am hopeful about with My Number health cards is cutting down on having to take the same tests/scans multiple times. Currently if you go or are referred to a new clinic, you will need to do all the tests/x rays/CT scans/MRIs again…
In the future they should be able to access the data with your permission, saving time/money/radiation exposure etc.
If they can, you can ask for the doctor to give a copy of all the scans, etc. They usually burn them on a DVD. The scans are redone if the scans,X-rays, are not forwarded on or given to you. So you can ask. Sadly there maybe a small admin charge. but it should be cheaper than than getting the full scan.
In my experience, this can take several days to a week or more, and costs several thousand yen.
The attraction of the new system would be that it takes no time, does not need to be arranged in advance, and would not cost any money (that’s if they manage to implement it properly, of course!)