Not my usual class content

A life-changing book is not a term to throw around lightly. I feel like I might have read one this week (details below).

Other life-changing books include Your Money or Your Life, one of the first personal finance books I read, and one that might have had the largest effect. Another was Minako Takekawa’s iDeCo book, which started me investing in Japan and kind of led to RetireJapan’s existence.

How about you? Post your life-changing books in the comments 🙂


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This week’s books

I finished Oversubscribed, by Daniel Priestley, and started 24 Assets by the same author. I discovered Daniel a couple of weeks ago, and have been devouring everything I can find from him ever since. Books, videos, interviews.

I can’t believe I didn’t know this stuff already. I’m reasonably intelligent, read a lot, am very interested in business and marketing, but this is the first time I have come across a lot of these concepts. And they make a huge amount of sense.

If you are a freelancer or run a business I really recommend checking some of his stuff out. I suspect reading these books is going to be worth tens if not hundreds of millions of yen to me.

This week’s links

  1. Not the most inspiring article: Good financial advice hasn’t changed in 300 years
  2. There seem to be a lot of vested interests in this story: Availability of abortion pill beset by obstacles
  3. This is an interesting idea, and a reminder of just how much money is sleeping in Japan: From inheritance liability to investment incentive
  4. My wife’s school is almost here: Four-day week here to stay, say UK firms in world’s largest trial
  5. Now this is terrifying, and I wasn’t aware of it. It is already hard enough to get medical care outside of working hours: New Overtime Limits to Result in a Code Red for Hospitals across Japan
  6. Nice concise summary by Ramit (YouTube): I asked a personal finance expert how to invest
  7. Another horrible story: Film shines spotlight on tragic death of disabled man in police custody
  8. At the cost of employee salaries? Japan Reality Check #4: In praise of the Salaryman CEO
  9. A nice reminder: 19 Rules For A Better Life (From Marcus Aurelius)
  10. How long is a piece of string? My new number has ten digits… How Much is Enough to Retire Comfortably?
  11. What is the solution? Most Phone Use is a Tragic Loss of Life

What do you think? Anything interesting in there?

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