I had to cover for one of our teachers this week. In one way that was a huge pain, as I had a bunch of work I was planning to do (including coaching sessions I had to reschedule), but it was also nice to teach again.
Seems I’m actually not bad at it, and I enjoyed being back in the classroom for a few days.
I am learning so much about myself, and what I want by being ‘retired’. Seems that work is not as bad as I thought it was, and stopping work is both less necessary and less important than I thought it was.
Next year is going to be fun 🙂
Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. I made a new screencast video: how to buy mutual funds on Rakuten Securities and a general video on 5 things you need to do to sort out your finances in Japan.
On the subject of YouTube, I’m hoping to get the channel certified, but you need a ridiculous amount of watch hours within a calendar year. If anyone is feeling particularly festive, I would be really grateful if you could load up some of our longer videos in a browser tab, then mute them and play them on repeat for a while…
The Forum
The Forum is doing well (24,772 posts so far). Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books
I’m rereading Stephen King’s On Writing (SOO good) and I’m halfway through The Setup, by Dan Bilzerian. I have no idea who he is (which is funny, because every so often in the book someone will say how famous he is) and only got it because it had a foreword by David Goggins.
This week’s links
- Some good ones in here from Morgan Housel: A few stories I like
- Wish I had learned this 15 years ago (not just read, but learned): Over a period of 35 years, index fund investors earn 100 percent more money than those who buy actively managed funds
- I like to think RetireJapan is contributing: How to Weave the Artisan Web
- This rings true, but I’m not sure Twitter is quite there yet: Social Quitting
- Mister Money Mustache is back with a good reminder: The California Effect
- Speaking of MMM, he just launched a weekly ‘best of’ email series. Of course I subscribed immediately 😉
- AI is accelerating (did everyone see the new B-21 bomber is going to be able to fly without a pilot?): Is ChatGPT a ‘virus that has been released into the wild’?
- And of course it works in Japanese too: ChatGPT Works in Japanese, Too!
- This 30-minute documentary was really good: A Veteran’s Return from the Brink of Terrorism | Stranger at the Gate | The New Yorker Documentary
What do you think? Anything interesting in there?
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‘Seems that work is not as bad as I thought it was.’ – I’m sure this is a common feeling when work has ceased to be necessary. I certainly don’t stress about work any more now that I don’t have to worry if all my students quit!
Yeah, choosing to do something rather than having to do it seems to make an enormous difference 😉
You should check out who Dan Bilzerian is and how he ended up before taking any of his advice to heart.
From what I have read so far I have no intention of taking any of his advice (apart from the ‘setup’ concept, I quite like that). It’s not really an advice book anyway.
Not knowing anything about him makes it more interesting 😉
Not knowing about him may well make it more interesting, just as long as you treat it as the absolute fiction it is.
Me will be retired end of next March!
Mandatory, according to the city admin, once teachers are 65.
But I’m not a teacher, just an underpaid, overworked ALT (31 years).
Anyways, guess I’ll have to come up with some gig to support family etc.
Good to see that you found your place.
Hope you find a good solution! Join the RetireJapan forum if you have questions 🙂