the winter skies are incredibly beautiful in Sendai

I’ve really struggled with my health since the pandemic. Not sure if it is long Covid or just a more sedentary lifestyle, but I feel much less healthy than I did before 2020.

So far I haven’t been able to turn this around by myself. In fact, turning it around is starting to feel like it is out of reach.

In a way I was starting to lose hope.

Last week I signed up for a year’s worth of health coaching online. It wasn’t cheap, but if it helps me recover my health it would be worth tens or hundreds of times the amount I paid.

Even if it doesn’t work it will have been worth trying.

Today we are once again launching the third cohort of our Your First Ten Million Yen course. It’s not cheap, but if it helps you get your finances in order and start saving and investing, it will be worth tens or hundreds of times the amount you pay.


Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. We made incredible progress last year, and it was largely down to your help and support.

This week we published a video about new NISA. I keep getting questions about it, so made a quick FAQ. Please share it with people around you who don’t understand the new NISA system 🙂

The Forum

The Forum is doing well (32,203 posts so far). The forum rules are here. In essense, they are:

  1. Be nice
  2. Ask any question you like
  3. Only answer questions when you have relevant knowledge or experience

Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s links

  1. Kind of encouraging: What Comes After a Good Year in the Stock Market?
  2. Not really a fan of either, to be honest… Sales of Lactic Acid Beverages Nearly Overtake Vegetable Juices in Japan
  3. Had my mouth watering there for a bit: Glutton Abroad: Tokyo, Untethered
  4. I love seeing the changes over time on this: Updating My Favorite Performance Chart For 2023
  5. Very sobering stuff, but I don’t see much to disagree with here. Echoes of the climate crisis: Bestselling Author’s New Novel Warns of Grim Future for Japan
  6. Scary to see the acceleration: 2023 smashes record for world’s hottest year by huge margin
  7. This was a really interesting look at someone’s early retirement in the UK: FIRE-side chat rekindled: a year in the country
  8. Hmmmm. Looks kind of promising: A retirement haven for the rich and the budget-conscious
  9. Some interesting thoughts from Martin: 2024 – Here goes nothing!
  10. We have a CocoIchi across the street from us: Media watch: Some fast food operators handle price increases better than others
  11. Looking forward to having one of these: Japan reclaims position among world’s top passports for travel freedom
  12. Really impressive: Innovative Cardboard Tents Provide Emergency Shelter for Quake Victims
  13. This is a great read and a fantastic collection of links: r/JapanFinance 2023 Annual Report
  14. Great video (YouTube): Asking First Class Passengers How They Got Rich

What do you think? Anything interesting in there?

The Monday Read, going out to more than 2,874 subscribers each week. Please share this post/email with friends/colleagues who may be interested in it.

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Check out the RetireJapan website for more information, the Forum for discussions about personal finance and investing in Japan, and our coaching page if you need more help.

8 Responses

  1. You need an exercise partner, Ben. I used to hate running, but now I have some people to run with I can easily go four, five times a week 3 – 5 KM on an average run, some longer ones after. As a single runner, I’d only do one or two and then give up…. Do you have anyone who you can schedule exercise with?

  2. Long COVID is a somewhat complicated subject, but if you suspect long COVID, and have not already seen it, the FLCCC is a source that might be worth looking at. (Note: they don’t sell anything, just provide information compiled by clinical doctors for other physicians and the general public.)
    Not sure how your health coach would comment on this, but FLCCC have protocols with supplements that could very well be what you need. There are also medications mentioned, but that requires a physician’s care. Even if someone is not a fan of taking supplements, a couple or three weeks of trying the supplements they mention (of course observing any cautions they mention for them) might be worth a try to see if there are any improvements. Just FYI.
    Main site page:

  3. Ben, hope you’re turning things around re your health. Not sure if you’ve come across the book/videos of Peter Attia’s Outlive–The Science and Art of Longevity. It’s chock full of practical suggestions on how to increase your health span that starts and ends with exercise. I personally have found his advise very useful and have thankfully turned my health around after getting covid almost a year ago–and my symptoms were quite severe. Best to you.