Merry Christmas Edition
So close to the end of 2020
So a belated Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you are enjoying a bit of a break over the new year. 2020 will soon be over, and although I learned a lot this year I won’t be sorry to see the back of it. Here’s hoping 2021 will be more fun.
The forum is still doing well. We’re on track to reach 10,000 posts in the next few weeks.

Thank you to everyone who signed up for a supporter membership. Your contributions are extremely gratefully received, and you are helping to keep RetireJapan running for the benefit of everyone.
This week’s links:
- Background to vaccines in Japan:…/a-bitter-vaccine-history…
- ‘The LDP shuns…’ (fixed the headline):…/different-surnames…/
- I like both Bill Buford’s writing and steak tartare…/how-to-make-a-classic…
Possibly the shortest Monday Read so far. Apologies. Almost not worth sending it out, but I did want to wish everyone a good end of the year. Stay safe out there!
We’ll be doing our roundup of good posts from this year later in the week. Otanoshimi ^-^