End of year is approaching edition
Only about fifteen more years until the end of 2020, eh? Looking forward to seeing the back of this one.
Russia just started vaccinating people, and the UK is going to start next week apparently. Nice of them to test it out for us! I’m not in any hurry to take a vaccine -happy to wait and see how the massive experiments in other countries play out.
We bought a new TV in the Amazon Black Friday sales -last year’s model, so it was 68,000 yen for a 55 inch LG model that is so much nicer than our old TV that I couldn’t be more thrilled with it. I do the same thing with smartphones -hold onto it for as long as possible, then upgrade to a cheap older model that is much more advanced than the one I had. You still get the fun of getting a new device that is markedly better, but the price tag is several orders of magnitude smaller than buying the latest toys.
The forum continues to gain members and posts, here are the latest ones:

This week’s links
- I’ve seen a lot of people getting excited about this, but: 1) inheritance tax isn’t as big a deal as some people make it out to be, 2) this exemption isn’t going to apply to spouse visa or PR holders, and 3) it may well not apply to ‘normal’ people either.https://japantoday.com/…/japan-to-give-tax-breaks-for…?
- I don’t know either
- Doesn’t *feel* like a tragedy… https://marginalrevolution.com/…/japan-tragedy-fact-of…
- I think the world will be watching how this turns out. Glad we’re not going first here in Japan though.https://www.theguardian.com/…/pfizer-biontech-covid…
- It’s a start, I guess. I’d like to see a much more aggressive schedule on this.https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20201203_10/
- This seems familiar.https://www.raptitude.com/2020/12/how-to-handle-the-beast/
- I approve this message. Hope they follow through on it: https://japantoday.com/…/japan-pm-pledges-19b-to…?
- Nothing unexpected: https://awealthofcommonsense.com/…/how-i-invest-my-own…/
- I can kind of, sort of, understand what the questions are asking, but have no idea how to even begin to answer them
- This always made a lot of sense to me: https://assetbuilder.com/…/the-retirement-solution-that…
What do you think? Anything good in there? I really enjoyed reading through #9 for some reason…
This week’s books
- Everything You Need to Know about Saving for Retirement, by Ben Carlson. This is a short, very readable guide to saving and investing for retirement. I think it’s going to go on the recommended list for the site.
- Chesty: The Story of Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller, by Jon T. Hoffman. Heard good things about this biography of one of the most famous marines in US history.
- American Dirt: A Novel, by Jeanine Cummins. Also heard good things about this novel set in Mexico and the US.
- Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer. A bit of Young Adult fiction, just to take a break from the other serious books on this list 😉
nice articles, and finally the news are getting more optimistic, not fixated on Coronavirus as much as we see an end in sight.
Link for 9 is weird, gets you through Facebook to reach the destination, I’m not sure, I just copied the text of the link to open the page.
Thanks for letting me know. I have updated the link to cut Facebook out 🙂
Hmm, #10… Maybe I should get a job–go back to work? (Tho it’d be easier to just call doing the laundry and cooking my ‘job’.)