Heat and snow and blossoms, oh my edition

Well, the weather remains… interesting. Seems like things are building to a peak in Japan re: our unwelcome guest, and we’ll see more robust government responses going forward. Stay safe everyone, and make sensible plans.

We are going to continue our ‘no Covid-19 links’ policy in the Monday Read, which means they will be refreshingly short for a while.

Have some great regular posts coming up though -お楽しみ!

This week’s links

  1. It seems I was wrong about face masks: FACE MASKS: MUCH MORE THAN YOU WANTED TO KNOW
  2. Seems like we might have cheap stock markets for a while: good news for savers. Coronavirus pandemic has delivered the fastest, deepest economic shock in history
  3. International travel is basically over, at least in the short-term: Japan to ban entry from 18 European nations and Iran in toughest move yet
  4. Another doorstopper from Dalio: The changing world order
  5. Good news for US citizens for a change? Federal Stimulus FAQ: Who Is Eligible, How Much Money Will They Get? U.S Based Taxpayers, Expats, Non-residents & More
  6. Is the Japanese government taking advantage of the current situation to quash dissent? Winning the media battle against COVID-19

Only six links again, and some of those are Covid-19ish… Anything good in there? I enjoyed reading #4, and #1 challenged my beliefs, which is always a good thing.

3 Responses

  1. Thanks for #1, it’s a good rundown of the official positions of various organizations, as well as the lack of hard evidence regarding either side of the argument.
    As for #6, the LDP regularly shows their desire to be as dominating as the Chinese Communist Party.